Your final assignment for MATH 122 is to create an art object (or several art objects) that is in some way related to the ideas discussed in class. You may use any reasonable medium. Your work will be graded on the basis of quality of execution, creativity, originality, and depth of mathematical content.

We will have a crit on the last day of class, organized as follows. I will bring tape, so everyone can put their work on the walls or on the tables in front of the room. (Those who plan to project their work to the screen will have a chance to do so in the last 20 minutes of the crit.) Each artist will be assigned a number in advance. (Click here to find yours.) Please make sure your number is clearly indicated on or near your project. At the beginning of class, anyone who wants to say something about their work may do so, but this is not required. Next, you will have a chance to take a closer look at everyone's work. I will give you a form on which you can rate each numbered project on a scale of 1 to 5. I will use your input as a factor in assigning grades to the projects.

  • Here is a suggested grading scheme, though you may use your own criteria if desired:
    • 5: The piece is exceptional in conception, execution and mathematical content.
    • 4: The piece is skillfully and thoughtfully executed, and it employs class ideas in some way.
    • 3: The piece is skillfully and thoughtfully executed, but its connection to class ideas is somewhat weaker; or it is less skillfully executed, but the connection to class ideas is strong.
    • 2: The work is somewhat lacking in execution and conception.
    • 1: It is clear that not much thought or work went into the piece; and/or it is not at all related to the course content.

Following are some examples of final projects by MATH 122 students. Click on the image for a larger version. Hammack

Sung Mi Lee (wood and panel stock) 2010

Sung Mi Lee (progress photo) 2010

Jacob King (acrylic and marker on panel) 2009

Maia Sanders (ink and wash) 2009

Robert Munro, Gone Fishing, (digital print) 2009

Adam Gailey, Tunnel Vision (click image to see animation)

Christopher Lewis , 2009

Christina Gleixner, 2009

Eleni Kanakis, Meditation, digital print, 2008

Eric Neff (click image to see animation)