From Singer and Brooking Reading Guidelines


*Goal of social media: drawing attention


*Ability to draw attention is a form of power


*Attention economy


*ISIS on social media during Mosul attach and recruiting


*ISIS tweeting invasion of Mosul


*ISIS recruiting on net


*Bottom line: can I get you to believe what I want you to believe; to persuade; to influence 


*Influence operations as sharp power


*Impact of communications in war historically




*Impact of iPhone and apps


*Twitter impact: direct communications between anyone and everyone


*Domination of access to all of this by a few tech giants


*Everyone is a reporter


*Everything you say is public 


*Nothing is deleted 


*Information and disinformation 




*Social media and political organization/movements


*The good (for human rights) and the bad (for racism and terrorism)


*Arab Uprising/Arab Spring example


*China’s Great Firewall


*Chinese government controls access and does surveillance of everything every citizen does on social media


*Russian disinformation


*Russian disinformation to disrupt Russian enemies


*Russian disinformation to discredit democracy (because Russia is not a democracy)


*Sock puppets




*“Gaslighting” and challenging reality


*Eliminating the set of shared facts


*Anti-vaccines and challenging reality 


*Selling conspiracies 


*Alt right propaganda


*Comet Ping Pong


*US conservatives who reject traditional media 


*Politicians spreading false information 


*Candidate Trump retweeting Russian bots


*Five key elements of digital warfare (“Likewar techniques” in index)


*Social media means governments no longer control communications


*Global information warfare


*Political activists propaganda warfare 


*Nation-states propaganda warfare




*Russia and Ukraine: mobilizing people on social media to change facts 


*Russia using social media to divide Europe: Brexit, refugees 


*Trolls and trolling as a strategy 


*How billions on social media can be manipulated easily 


*Social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter) and accountability


*When Facebook and twitter are used for terrorism, incitement of violence, to organize racist groups


*2016 election Russian interference




*Likewar rules 


*Deep Fakes


*Importance of information literacy