Review Sheet One


Spring 2023


The exam will consist of two sections:

·         Short answers: Choose 2 of 8-10.  I will choose 8-10 terms from this review sheet and you will choose 2 of those to answer.  I’m looking for 5-6 sentences that define the term and tell me why it is important in the context of Chinese politics.

·         Essay: I will write two essay questions.  You will choose one to answer.  The essay questions will be straightforward, but they are designed to make you think about Chinese politics and to allow you to use your knowledge of Chinese politics to answer the question.

·         You will have one hour one hour and 15 minutes for the exam.


This review looks big, but don't worry.  If you have come to class and done all the reading, nothing here should be new to you.  Also, though there are a lot of terms, obviously, not each one of them is the subject of an essay. These terms, in order, form an outline of everything we've done so far. A group of them might be the subject of an essay. Usually, you can't explain a single term without referring to the terms next to it. So, really, if you can say one or two things about each term and how it relates to the terms around it and fits into the larger scheme of Chinese politics you're doing fine. Some terms, however, are filled with enough significance to be short answers/identifications on the test, but you'll be able to figure out which ones.


Terms with (*) in front of them may not have been included in the lectures, but were discussed, at length, in the readings.


If you have questions, email or come to office hours, or make an appointment. 





Political Culture and Political Development

Dynastic record -- Imperial China

4,000 years of a unified China; 5,000 years of Chinese political culture

Centralized, authoritarian rule

*Order-chaos pattern (centralization-decentralization-recentralization)

Warring States Period and Qin Dynasty unification of China

            What if Rome never fell?

Mongol and Manchu invasion – foreign invaders ruled as Chinese dynasties

Current CCP leaders understanding of the political legacy of the dynastic periods

            Fear of decentralization that might lead to chaos

            Nationalism and a return to power for China

China as the center of the world

            Isolation from barbarians

            Does isolation lead to the fall of the dynasties?


Confucian political thought

Confucius (Kong Fu Zi)

Unity of political and social order


            Harmony and balance

Emperor's role

            Mandate of Heaven

            Factional rivalries among ruling elites

Family role

            Women's role


Legalism (Han Fei)

Not harmony/balance, but order

Law enforcement

Strict imperial control


Large Bureaucracy: Its role


            Spread of ideology



*Influences in Chinese political culture that still matter today (Shambaugh)


Creation of Modern Nation-State

Internal weaknesses

Qing Dynasty

Why was the fall of the Qing dynasty the fall of Imperial China?

External forces

European and Japanese encroachment

Opium War (China vs. Britain)

            "100 years of Humiliation"


Internal Forces

Nationalist Movement

            Sun Yat-Sen

            Kuomintang - KMT (Guomindang - GMD)


            Three Principles of the People

Communist movement

Qing falls; Republican era begins

Warlords and civil war

Chiang Kai-shek


Sino-Japanese War

Chinese Civil War


Communist Era

            Order-chaos fulfilled (chaos 1911-1949)?         

            But new ideology created to rule next period of order

Mao Dynasty?

How Mao’s revolution is defined

            The importance of nationalism


Communism in China




            Peasant revolution

            Mass Line

            Campaigns/continuous revolution


Government Structure

1.       Dual structure

Party is more powerful than government; party role for individuals is what gives them power

2.       Factional and personal rivalries

Real power/decision making is at the very top

3.       Formal vs. Informal


Formal structure (hierarchical pyramid of committees)

Work unit


Government structure

National People's Congress

NPC Standing Committee

State Council


            Commissions and ministries

Standing Committee of State Council

Judicial branch


Party structure

National Party Congress

Central Committee


            Party Secretariat

            *General Secretary

*Politburo Standing Committee

            The real power

            Ranked order of party leaders


Factional politics

Party role counts, so factional debates are at level of party leadership

Mao era: 1949-1976: Mao vs. everyone else

fate of number 2 in party when they challenged or seemed to challenge Mao

Reform Era:

consensus decision making:

conservatives vs. reformers over the pace of reform

Factional allies, loyalists, and power bases

Intra-party democracy

Succession process

 Xi era: Xi wins

            No successor chosen


*Leading Small Groups


Public Policy -- Mao's China

*Remaking China into a Communist state, a revolutionary state

*Constant revolution

*A series of campaigns



*Command Economy

*Dictatorship of the CCP – no rivals allowed

*military belongs to the Party

Failure of Mao’s efforts


            The elements of a campaign

*100 Flowers movement

            *a trap?

*Great Leap Forward



            *The results

            *Mao faces challengers over GLF


*Cultural Revolution


            *Four Olds

            *Red Guards

                        *sent to countryside


*Fate of #2 in the Party

Death of Zhou Enlai

Death of Mao

*Succession and Factional battle

Gang of Four arrested

Deng Xiaoping consolidates power


Public Policy -- Deng's China

*Economics -- massive reform

*End of isolation

*No political challenges to CCP

*Consensus decisions at the top

*Fang-shou cycle (reform and retrenchment cycle and factional politics

Economic reforms = economic freedoms: what is the impact of that on politics?

*Tocqueville Paradox



*December 1978

*Priority of economic modernization

            *Four Modernizations

*Capitalist reforms

            *End of collectivization of agriculture

            *agricultural experiments that pre-date 1978


            *Relaxed planning

            *state owned enterprises still dominate (SOEs)

*open door trade policy

*Special Economic Zones

*Foreign Direct Investment

*Attracting Foreign Investment

*Export Power

            Greater Chinese Economy

*Pace of reforms: the new factional battle

            Speed up vs. Slow down

The results of economic reform

*Economic Boom*entrepreneurship and small businesses

*Greatest generation of wealth in world history

*Modernization in special zones


*deterioration of infrastructure in some places and new everything other places

*Social mobility

*Generational differences


*the boom and wealth in cities vs. rural areas


Ideological justification for reforms

Four Cardinal Principles

*Deng Xiaoping Theory

CPC primacy


Why reform?

            Impact of cultural revolution

            *Failure of Mao’s economy

            Lessons of Japan and Four Tigers

Death of Mao



Three cases: 1978/79, 1986, 1989

·         Demands for political reform followed economic reform

·         CCP seemed to encourage limited debate on limited issues, but it clearly saw a limit to that debate and crushed the debate/dissent/protests

·         Each incident led to a factional battle about how to respond



*Democracy Wall

            *Wei Jingsheng and the 5th Modernization

*1986 demonstrations

            *Hu Yaobang

*Tiananmen Square

            *Zhao Ziyang

            *Li Peng

            Martial law

            June 4

Meaning of Tiananmen Square

Spring 1992 Southern Tour of Deng Xiaoping

Message -- economic growth, but no political change

            Creation of politically agnostic capitalists? 




China's Future:

The Eras


The Party

Deng Xiaoping Theory as the current ideology

            *Socialist market economy

economic modernization as priority


            CPC leadership

3rd and 4th generation Leaders

Jiang Zemin

Hu Jintao


Big Political Issues Evolution from 3rd Generation (Jiang/Hu) to 5th Generation (Xi)

Reformers in 3rd and 4th Generation (Jiang/Hu)

1.      *Collective Leadership

2.      *Intra-Party democracy

3.      *No personality cult

4.      *Some tolerance of debate and dissent

5.      *Terms limits for leaders/retirement age

6.      *Elections at lower levels is some cases


*Conservatives under Xi

1.      *Xi in control

2.      *Xi in control

3.      *Yes, cult of Xi

4.      *Very little tolerance of debate/dissent

5.      *Ending term limits as needed

6.      *Election rules/requirement tweaked to favor Party choices


*Liu Xiaobo and Charter 08 (Crossing the line)


*Xi Jinping’s rule

The Party

*Xi as core leader

*No successor chosen

*as a “Third Revolution”

Historic Resolution November 2021


Xi’s Ideology

1. *Anti-corruption

            To maintain legitimacy

2. Anti-western

            Confucianism for legitimacy

            Confucianism as an alternative to western ideology globally

3. Greater Party Control

*Crackdown on speech, dissent, ideas

Greater economic controls

4.         Chinese Dream of National Rejuvenation

              Deng: low profile

              *Xi’s Chinese Dream

                        *Rich nation; powerful nation

                        *Dilemma: alienate the region

                                    *South China Sea and Nine Dash Line

              * Belt and Road Initiative

*desire for Great Power Status

*2008 western recession as “inflection point”

*Belt and Road Initiative

*South China Sea claims

*Trade policy: leadership and tying nations to China (AIIB, RCEP)

*China as alternative model/leader


4. Campaigns to Mobilize

            Xi Jinping App

            *Great Firewall of China

            *Great Cannon

            *instead of blocking information, manipulating it, overwhelming it with pro-Xi, pro-CPC

            50 Cent Army

            Social Credit System

                        Web resistance

                                    Winnie the Pooh

                                    Grass Mud Horse


The Economy

State Capitalism and Beijing Consensus

*Economic growth forever?

impact of slow growth/recession?

Can economic growth last forever?

What happens if it doesn’t?

The relationship between economic growth or lack of growth and political change

Great Depression and politics

1997 East Asian recession and politics

Economic problems


            *zombie SOEs

*Labor unrest/mass incidents


*migrant worker problems


Political Development

*Emphasis on stability


Can you create politically agnostic capitalists?

The Singapore model

            “Guided democracy”

Democratic Transition Model

            Taiwan example

            Add economic/political crisis

*Chinese model of authoritarian capitalism


Hong Kong Protests: Lesson for the future?

HK and one country; two systems

Umbrella Movement

2019 and Extradition Law

National Security Law

Fate of Demosisto
Arrests in 2021 over election primaries in 2020