Nikolov Lab Home Page

! MolScript v2.1 input file
! generated by MolAuto v1.1.1

background grey 1;

window  47.46;
slab  31.85;
  read mol "ohr_final.pdb";

  transform atom * by centre position atom *
by rotation
  0.769158 -0.50655 -0.389619
  -0.52356 -0.149889 -0.838701
  0.366444 0.849082 -0.380497
by rotation
  0.053567 0.892949 -0.446959
  -0.113983 0.450144 0.885652
  0.992038 0.00350391 0.125894
by rotation
  0.996366 0.0838663 -0.0148917
  -0.0255364 0.127322 -0.991533
  -0.0812601 0.988309 0.129
by rotation
  0.26648 0.00947376 0.963794
  0.963202 -0.0390161 -0.265933
  0.0350841 0.999194 -0.0195221
by rotation
  0.999841 -0.00824988 0.0157891
  -0.0148966 0.0988773 0.994988
  -0.00976972 -0.995065 0.0987387
by rotation
  0.575445 -0.0870689 -0.813192
  0.0171845 0.995385 -0.0944159
  0.81766 0.0403569 0.574286
by rotation
  0.399079 -0.902148 -0.163906
  0.580533 0.110236 0.80674
  -0.709731 -0.417106 0.567719
by rotation
  0.968828 -0.237334 0.0710271
  0.120241 0.701163 0.702789
  -0.216598 -0.672341 0.707844
by rotation
  0.978854 0.178646 0.0996554
  0.0446012 -0.661828 0.748328
  0.199641 -0.728059 -0.6558
by rotation
  0.98175 -0.190166 -0.00184085
  0.189541 0.979222 -0.0720999
  0.0155136 0.0704352 0.997396
by rotation
  0.98407 -0.0329942 0.174694
  0.0478354 0.99553 -0.081438
  -0.171226 0.0884972 0.981249

by translation -2 -7 0

     by rotation y -3.0              ! stereo

  set segments 2;

  set planecolour rgb 0.627451 0.12549 0.941176 ;
set plane2colour rgb 0.627451 0.12549 0.941176 ;
 ! coil from A1 to A7;
  !set planecolour hsb 0.6491 1 1;
 ! strand from A7 to A16;
  !set planecolour hsb 0.6316 1 1;
  coil from A16 to A18;
  !set planecolour hsb 0.614 1 1;
  strand from A18 to A25;
  !set planecolour hsb 0.5965 1 1;
  coil from A25 to A32;
  !set planecolour hsb 0.5789 1 1;
  strand from A32 to A35;
  !set planecolour hsb 0.5614 1 1;
  coil from A35 to A37;
  !set planecolour hsb 0.5439 1 1;
  helix from A37 to A40;
  !set planecolour hsb 0.5263 1 1;
  coil from A40 to A48;
  !set planecolour hsb 0.5088 1 1;
  helix from A48 to A72;
  !set planecolour hsb 0.4912 1 1;
  coil from A72 to A77;
  !set planecolour hsb 0.4737 1 1;
  helix from A77 to A80;
  turn from A80 to A81;
  !set planecolour hsb 0.4561 1 1;
  strand from A81 to A91;
  !set planecolour hsb 0.4386 1 1;
  coil from A91 to A94;
  !set planecolour hsb 0.4211 1 1;
  strand from A94 to A105;
  !set planecolour hsb 0.4035 1 1;
  coil from A105 to A110;
  !set planecolour hsb 0.386 1 1;
  helix from A110 to A130;
  !set planecolour hsb 0.3684 1 1;
  coil from A130 to A135;
  !set planecolour hsb 0.3509 1 1;
  strand from A135 to A142;
  set planecolour rgb 0.196078 0.803922 0.196078;
 set plane2colour rgb 0.196078 0.803922 0.196078;
 ! coil from B1 to B7;
  !set planecolour hsb 0.3158 1 1;
 ! strand from B7 to B16;
  !set planecolour hsb 0.2982 1 1;
  coil from B16 to B18;
  !set planecolour hsb 0.2807 1 1;
  strand from B18 to B25;
  !set planecolour hsb 0.2632 1 1;
  coil from B25 to B32;
  !set planecolour hsb 0.2456 1 1;
  strand from B32 to B35;
  !set planecolour hsb 0.2281 1 1;
  coil from B35 to B37;
  !set planecolour hsb 0.2105 1 1;
  helix from B37 to B40;
  !set planecolour hsb 0.193 1 1;
  coil from B40 to B48;
  !set planecolour hsb 0.1754 1 1;
  helix from B48 to B72;
  !set planecolour hsb 0.1579 1 1;
  coil from B72 to B77;
  !set planecolour hsb 0.1404 1 1;
  helix from B77 to B80;
  turn from B80 to B81;
  !set planecolour hsb 0.1228 1 1;
  strand from B81 to B91;
  !set planecolour hsb 0.1053 1 1;
  coil from B91 to B94;
  !set planecolour hsb 0.08772 1 1;
  strand from B94 to B104;
  !set planecolour hsb 0.07018 1 1;
  coil from B104 to B110;
  !set planecolour hsb 0.05263 1 1;
  helix from B110 to B130;
  !set planecolour hsb 0.03509 1 1;
  coil from B130 to B135;
  !set planecolour hsb 0.01754 1 1;
  strand from B135 to B141;
  !set planecolour hsb 0 1 1;
  coil from B141 to B142;

 set colourparts on;
  !set atomcolour atom C* rgb 0 1 0;
  !set atomcolour atom P* rgb 0 1 0;
  !set atomcolour atom N* rgb 0 1 0;
  !set atomcolour atom O* rgb 0 1 0;

set stickradius 0.4;

set colourparts on;
!set atomcolour atom C* rgb 0 1 0;
!set atomcolour atom P* rgb 0 1 0;
!set atomcolour atom N* rgb 0 1 0;
!set atomcolour atom O* rgb 0 1 0;
!set atomcolour atom C* rgb 0 1 0;
set atomcolour atom C* rgb 0.196078 0.803922 0.196078;
ball-and-stick require in residue B60 and not either atom N, atom C or atom O ;

ball-and-stick require in residue B124 and not either atom N, atom C or atom O ;
set atomcolour atom C* rgb 0.627451 0.12549 0.941176;
ball-and-stick require in residue A18 and not either atom N, atom C or atom O ;

ball-and-stick require in residue A50 and not either atom N, atom C or atom O ;

set colourparts on;
set atomcolour atom C* rgb 1 0.647059 0;
ball-and-stick in require residue X1 and type DTT;
ball-and-stick in require residue X2 and type DTT;

!set transparency 0.50;
!cpk in residue X2 ;
!cpk require in residue A124 and not either atom N, atom C or atom O ;
!cpk require in residue B60 and not either atom N, atom C or atom O ;
!cpk require in residue B124 and not either atom N, atom C or atom O ;

 set linecolour rgb 0 1 1;
  set linedash 2., linewidth 3.;
  line  position require in residue A18 and atom NH1
        position require in residue A50 and atom OE1;
  line  position require in residue A18 and atom NH2
        position require in residue A50 and atom OE2;
  line  position require in residue A18 and atom NE
        position require in residue X2 and atom O3;
  line  position require in residue A18 and atom NH2
        position require in residue B60 and atom SG;

!  line  position require in residue A27 and atom NE2
!                to
!        position require in residue X501 and atom O3R;
