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Victoria A. Shivy's

  VCU Web Page



This site was created for students who are enrolled in the classes that I teach at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia.  I am a Counseling Psychologist who teaches, supervises, and does research in VCU's Department of Psychology.  Here at VCU, I teach both at the undergraduate and graduate levels.  My undergraduate course is called "Experimental Methods in Psychology," and it goes by the course number PSY 317. 

 At the graduate level I teach "Career Counseling," PSY 625, for students in our APA-approved Counseling Psychology program.  In the past, I have also taught "Personality Assessment," PSY 645, for Doctoral students in Clinical and Counseling Psych.  I also supervise a Counseling Practicum that counts as a class for Doctoral-level Counseling students, and provide a few hours of clinical service per week as an affiliate staff member of VCU's University Counseling Services.

My office is on the VCU academic campus in a building called  "Williams House. That's what's pictured above.

Each of the links in orange, above, will take you someplace, so take the time to look around.  I hope you find these  materials to be helpful!


PSY 317                    PSY 625                  


INTUIT:  Work and Careers        

Ongoing Study:  Perceptions of Internships



Disclaimers:  This page does not reflect an official position of Virginia Commonwealth University.

You may contact me by e-mailing vshivy@vcu.edu 

This page was last updated on 02/11/03.     Hit Counter