Team Development Summary Sheet /1/
VTeam Development Recognition Sheet
V Figure 1 - Matching Group Development, Team Building and Leadership Skills
V Endnotes

Like individuals, teams progress through different stages of development as they mature.  Tuckman identified five stages of team development as

    • forming
    • storming
    • norming
    • performing
    • adjourning.

In each stage, team members exhibit typical "task" and "relationship" behaviors, consistent with the basic theme of that particular stage of development.  Relationship behaviors corresponde with the development of the identity and functions of the group from the personal orientations of the members.  Task behaviors correspond with the progress of the group in understanding and accomplishing its work.  Issues and concerns must be resolved in each stage before the group can move on.  Completion of each stage results in specific task outcomes aand in specific relationship outcomes that address member needs at that stage.

Both transactional leader skills (those that get the task completed) and transformational leader skills (those that influence and inspire people) can move the team from one stage of development to the next.  Leader skills listed for each stage of team development translate into actions, or interventions, the leader can make in order to help the group to complete each stage's task.

Figure 1 summarizes the stages of group development, team building, and leadership skills.

Team Development Recognition Sheet

Stage One: Forming. 
Theme: Awareness
Allow time for members to get acquainted 
Provide essential information about content and process 
Emphasize new skills required 
Identify and relate key team values to current task 
Share stories of past accomplishments and celebrations 
Create a team vision of outcome 
Set goals to achieve outcome 

Stage Two: Storming. 
Theme: Conflict
Act assertively and set parameters for the team 
Listen attentively to all viewpoints 
Use mediation, negotiation, and arbitration 
Consider new perspectives and alternatives 
Suggest and solicit optional ways to view the problem

Stage Three: Norming. 
Theme: Cooperation
Provide opportunity for involvement by all 
Provide opportunity for members to learn from and assist one another
Model and encourage supportive behavior 
Open communication lines 
Provide positive and corrective task-related feedback 
Add some humor and fun to the work setting

Stage Four: Performing. 
Theme: Productivity
Reward and recognize performance outcomes and positive work relationships 
Involve the team in group problem solving and futuring 
Share decision-making opportunities 
Examine how implementation will affect the team and the rest of the organization 
Use delegation to foster professional development

Stage Five: Adjourning. 
Theme: Separation
Provide evaluative performance feedback 
Review task and working relationships 
Create a celebration activity with emphasis on recognition and fun 
Conduct a closure ceremony to specify the project's conclusion

Figure 1 - Matching Group Development, Team Building and Leadership Skills
(A) Group Development
Tuckman Stage General Theme Task Behavior Relationship Behaviour
1. Forming Awareness Orientation Dependence
2. Storming Conflict Resistance Hostility
3. Norming Cooperation Communication Cohesion
4. Performing Productivity Problem Solving Interdependence
5. Adjourning Separation Termination Disengagement
(B) Team Building
Tuckman Stage Task Outcome Relationship Outcome Individual Need
1. Forming Commitment Acceptance Security
2. Storming Clarification Belonging Social
3. Norming Involvement Support Recognition
4. Performing Achievement Pride Achievement
5. Adjourning Recognition Satisfaction Recognition
(C) Group Development, Team Building, and Leadership SkilIs/2/
Tuckman Stage General Theme Task Behavior
1. Forming Getting Acquainted, Goal Setting, Organizing Value Clarification, Visioning, Communicating Through Myth and Metaphor
2. Storming Active Listening, Assertiveness, Conflict Management Flexibility, Creativity, Kaleidoscopic Thinking
3. Norming Communication, Feedback, Affirmation Playfulness and Humor, Entrepreneuring, Networking
4. Performing Decision Making, Problem Solving, Rewarding Multicultural Awareness, Mentoring, Futuring
5. Adjourning Evaluating, Reviewing Celebrating, Bringing Closure
1.  W. Tuckman & M.A.C. Jensen (December, 1977), "Stages of Small-Group Development Revisited," in Group & Organization Studies, 2(4), 419-427. 
2.  Based on C.L. Kormanski & A. Mozenter (1987), "A New Model of Team Building: A Technology, for Todav and Tomorrow," in J.W. Pfeiffer (Ed.), The 1987 Annual: Developing Human Resources, San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer & Company.