Values of some variables for some observations may be updated using a data step. If you have a master data set and you need to update some information - for example, you didn't have the subject's date of birth when the subject was first added to the master data set, but you have that information now - use the UPDATE statement.
DATA Master; INPUT @1 ID 3. @5 GENDER $1. @7 AGE 2. @10 HEIGHT 2. @13 DOB MMDDYY6.; FORMAT DOB MMDDYY10.; DATALINES; 101 M 26 68 012366 102 M 78 103 F 45 62 112647 104 22 66 080170 ; Proc Print data=Master; Title "Master Data Set"; Data UpdateIt; Informat DOB mmddyy6.; Input ID Gender=$ Age= Height= DOB=; * NAMED input; datalines; 102 DOB=031460 Age=32 104 Gender=F ; Proc Print data=UpdateIt; Format DOB date9.; Title "Transaction Data Set"; Data Master; Update Master UpdateIt; By ID; Proc Print data=Master; Title "Updated Master Data Set";