Using a permanent SAS data set
Once a SAS data set has been written to disk in one job, it is available for use in other jobs (and, if you give the file appropriate protection, by other users).
In previous jobs, the way you referred to a temporary SAS data step in a Procedure was with the DATA= option.
For example:
DATA SURVEY1; INPUT SUBJ GENDER :$1. HEIGHT WEIGHT YEAR; DATALINES; 1 M 68 155 91 7 F 72 205 90 9 M 66 120 93 ; PROC PRINT DATA=SURVEY1; TITLE "Using a temporary data set"; ID SUBJ; RUN;
Produced this output:
Using a temporary data set SUBJ GENDER HEIGHT WEIGHT YEAR 1 M 68 155 91 7 F 72 205 90 9 M 66 120 93