Storing Data When Storing Summaries Will Suffice
In the data set above, there are 10,000 observations with 100 unique value combinations of the variables X1-X100. Each combination appears in the data set 100 times. You can store one record in the data set for each combination of variables. Use a new variable, such as count, to hold the number of observations each record refers to.
data bigone; drop j k; array XX {*} X1-X100; count=100; do j=1 to 100; do k=1 to dim(XX); XX(k)=k + 1000*j; end; output; end; run; proc means data=bigone; freq count; run;
Proc Means produces the same output here as before. The key is "freq count;" that effectively (though not literally) expands the data to its original form for use in Proc Means.