DATA POINTER; INPUT #1 @1 ID 3. @5 GENDER $1. @7 AGE 2. @10 HEIGHT 2. @13 DOB MMDDYY6. #2 @5 SBP 3. @9 DBP 3. @13 HR 3.; FORMAT DOB MMDDYY8.; DATALINES; 101 M 26 68 012366 101 120 80 68 102 M 32 78 031460 102 162 92 74 103 F 45 62 112647 103 134 86 74 104 F 22 66 080170 104 116 72 67 ; PROC PRINT DATA=POINTER; TITLE 'Example 7.1'; RUN;
What is new is the #n relative record pointer in the INPUT statement. This option tells SAS which line contains the next set of variables.