In this lab, you will use ICStation/Calibre to extract a Spice representation of the inverter you drew in the previous tutorial. Then you will use the ADiT simulator to simulate the Spice representation.
1.1 Move into the directory you created for lab2. Then start ICStation:2. "Fix" the Spice file so that it can be simulated with ADiT>> cd egre533/lab21.2 In ICStation, use the Cell Open item in the Session palette to open the my_inv cell you previously created. From the top menu bar select Calibre->Run PEX to start a Parasitic EXtraction. Calibre PEX is a separate program which will extract information about the connectivity and associated capacitances and resistances in your layout. You will need to fill in a few screens to properly initialize Calibre PEX. The Calibre PEX setup information will be saved, however, so you only need to enter it once. The Calibre PEX extraction tool reads in your layout from a GDS-II (Graphic Design System II) file and creates a Spice netlist file suitable for simulation.
>> adk_ic &1.3 The first screen displayed by Calibre PEX is the Inputs screen, as shown. Don't make any changes. The Layout tab specifies the input file (my_inv.calibre.gds), the file format and primary cell. Notice the Export from layout viewer button is checked. This instructs Caliber PEX to use the layout viewer to create a new copy of the GDS file before extraction. If you uncheck this box then you must use the IC Station Translate menu item to create a GDS file for Calibre PEX. The Netlist tab specifies a source netlist, meaningless for this exercise but useful for other layout extractions. The H-Cells tab specifies a Hierarchical Cell source file, again meaningless for this exercise.
1.4 Left click once on the Rules button. You must specify where to find the process rules and layer definitions for Calibre PEX. Left click once on the ellipsis (three dots) to navigate to the appropriate rules file. Navigate to the /mentor/adk3_0/technology/ic/process directory and choose the file "ami05.calibre.rules" as shown:
1.5 Left click once on the Outputs button to setup the output files. Make sure the Extraction Type is Transistor Level and C. This instructs Calibre PEX to extract only lumped capacitances at the transistor (or mask) level. Leave the filename as it is (my_inv.pex.netlist). In the Netlist tab, make sure the Format is HSPICE and change the Use Names From: to LAYOUT. Leave the View netlist after PEX finishes button selected. Do not change anything under the Reports or SVDB tabs - these are unimportant for this exercise. Your Outputs setup should look like:
1.6 Select Setup->PEX Options from the top menu bar. Make sure the button beside Ground node name is selected and type in GND for the name of the ground node. The Netlist tab dialogue box should look like:
1.7 Now select the LVS Options tab. Enter the names for the Power nets: and Ground nets: and make sure Recognize gates: is set to All. The LVS Options dialogue box should look like:
1.8 Now setup is complete. Left click once on the Run PEX button to start the extraction. As each stage completes, information will scroll through the transcript window. If your extraction is successful a new window will open displaying the spice netlist created by Calibre PEX. If you do not get a netlist (this make take a minute or so) then review the transcript window to locate problems and fix them. Your netlist should look similar to:
1.9 Close the netlist window. Close Calibre PEX and enter runset for the file name when asked to save your runset. Exit ICStation.
2.1 Notice the netlist file from Calibre PEX contains a subcircuit called MY_INV that consists of two transistors mM0 and mM1 (the ones you created) and several capacitors c_1 .. c_4 (parasitics). In order to simulate this circuit, we need to get rid of the subcircuit notation, add voltage sources for VDD and GND, and add model statments for the transistors.
2.2 From the command line, run the cell_sim_prep_vasim
script on the my_inv Spice file:
This will generate a file called my_inv.sp which is correct
for simulation with ADiT.
2.3 Open the resulting my_inv.sp file. You will see a file like the one below:
2.5 You will notice that the cell_sim_prep_vasim script also created a file called my_inv.cir Use the text edit to open this file as well. It should look like the one below:
This file specifies the type of analysis that should be run by the ADiT simulator - in this case, a transient, or timing analysis. The 1ns parameter is the minimum time step for the simulation and the 1 ms is the maximum time that the simulation can run. If, in simulating larger cells, you need to simulate for longer than 1ms, you will need to edit this file to change this parameter.
2.6 Close the text editor.
Start vasim:
You should see the Load Design window open up. Fill out the
window fields so that it looks like the one below and click Load:
2.2 Loading the design will take a few moments. When "Load done" appears in the transcript of the main vasim window, select the View->Debug Windows->All Windows menu item to bring up all of the simulator windows. The result should be a set of windows as shown below:
2.3 Notice in the Structure window, you can see the my_inv component and that the simulator is set to Eldo. Eldo is the normal Spice simulator (also used by Accusim) and it is fine for small components. However, for larger components, you will want to use the ADiT simulator. To do so, make sure that my_inv is highlighted in the Structure window and use the menu item Partition->Simlator->ADiT in that window to change the simulator to ADiT.
2.4 In order to simulate a Spice cell in vasim, you have to force values on its inputs - just as you did for the transistor level schematic in Accusim. There are several ways to do this in vasim, but one of the best ways is to create a "do file." for the component. A "do file" is simply a list of simulation commands. In this case, we need commands to trace signals we want to look at, commands to force values onto input signals, and run commands to run the simulator.
Use the text editor to create a "do file" called, that looks like the one below:
The commands in this file add the IN1 and OUT1 signals to the wave window (so we can see what is happening on them), forces the IN1 input to 0 volts, runs the simulation for 10 ns, forces IN1 to 5 volts, runs the simulation for 10 ns more, forces IN1 back to 0 volts, and runs the simulation for a final 10 ns.
2.5 To "run" the do file, simply type the following command in the vasim
transcript window:
You will see messages from the ADiT simulator appear in the transcript
window as it is running. At the end, the vasim
transcript window should look like this:
Once the simulation is complete, the IN1 and OUT1 waveforms should appear in the EZwave window:
2.6 Exit vasim by typing "quit" in the vasim transcript window.