PHY101E Syllabus

Goals Attendance Policy
Tentative Schedule Grading Policy
Examination Schedule Make-up Policy
In-class Quizzes Accommodations for Disabled
The Help! Forum Honor Code

P101 Home Page

Goals of PHY101E

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Last Revised: March 22, 2002

Exam Schedule

Date Exam Modules Covered
R Feb 7 Exam No.1 001,004-010, 012-013
R Feb 28 Exam No.2 014-022
R Mar 28 Exam No.3 023, g31, g33, r34-r40
T Apr 23 Exam No.4 r41-2, 077, 080, 082,083,084,086,092,099,100,102-107
The final exam is comprehensive and will be given on
Thursday, May 9, 2002
from 4:00 P.M. to 6:50 P.M.
You must take the final exam!

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In-class Quizzes

The questions in these notes are used to give quizzes during most lectures. After a major point is covered or reviewed, a question about that point is displayed and students are asked to put their answer on a computer scan sheet. The sheets are turned in at the end of class, graded, and returned at the beginning of the following class.

In order to review these quizzes, you need to know which questions were asked. The topics are organized into modules which may be used to identify particular questions. Thus, question 76.3 is the third question in module 76. Click on the link below to review your quizzes.

Listing of quiz questions asked so far

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Class Participation Alternative

You are required to participate in this class by responding to the material as it is presented and helping one another when that is appropriate. The simplest way to satisfy this requirement is to attend all of the classes and take the in-class quizzes.

Another way to participate is to ask or answer questions on our class discussion forum. You may earn 7.5 points for each contribution. These points are added to your total quiz grade (each daily quiz counts 100 points). Use the button to get to the forums.

Restrictions on Forum Credit: You may contribute as often as you wish but course credit will be given only for: PHY101E Syllabus          P101 Home Page

Attendance Policy for PHY101E

You are responsible for all announcements and material given in class, even if it is not in the textbook or the published notes. Consistent, unexcused failure to participate in class through in-class quizzes or in other ways could result in an administrative attendance withdrawal.

Do not rely on attendance withdrawal. If you find yourself unable to continue in the course, please withdraw by October 19, 2001 to avoid getting an 'F' on your transcript.

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Grading Policy for PHY101E

Each exam and quiz has a maximum score of 100. Compute your final score as follows:
  1. Total the four hour exam scores and add twice the final exam score.
  2. Add your quiz average (including Forum points).
  3. Divide the result by seven.
Your score determines your letter grade:
A=90.0-100.0, B=80.0-89.9, C=69.5-79.9, D=59.5-69.4
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Make-up Policy for PHY101E

If you know that you cannot take an exam on the scheduled date, arrange to take a make-up before the scheduled date. Any exam may be taken early for any reason.

If your final exam score is not your lowest score, then it will automatically be used to replace your lowest exam score.

In-class quizzes may not be made up but you may add points to your quiz total by contributing to the Help! Forum.

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Accommodations for Disabled

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 require Virginia Commonwealth University to provide an 'academic adjustment' and/or a 'reasonable accommodation' to any individual who advises us of a physical or mental disability. If you have a physical or mental limitation that requires an academic adjustment or an accommodation, please arrange a meeting with me at your earliest convenience. Additionally, if your course work requires you to work in a lab environment, you should advise the instructor or department chairperson of any concerns you may have regarding safety issues related to your limitation(s).

Note: Please contact the appropriate Coordinator of Services for Students with Disabilities to obtain an official memo detailing the academic adjustments or Accommodations which you need.

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Honor Code

Please read the VCU Honor System statement.

Clear and convincing evidence of honor system violations in this class will result in the submission of formal written charges to the Honor System Coordinator. Under these circumstances I do not give warnings or ask students for explanations.

In daily class you should be particularly careful to avoid

On exams, I use multiple versions so that copying answers is disastrously stupid.
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