Magnetic Poles - Examples

Magnetic Poles

The north pole of a compass will point toward any south pole and away from any north pole.
What must lie underneath the Earth's North Pole?

How confusing!

Examples --- What this is an example of

Here are some common shapes.

Magnets repel each other when like poles are lined up.

Examples --- What this is an example of

Cut a bar magnet to isolate its poles.

(click on picture)

Examples --- What this is an example of

Cut a bar magnet to isolate its poles.

(click on picture)

Examples --- What this is an example of

Cut a bar magnet to isolate its poles.

New north and south poles appear on the pieces.

(click on picture)

Examples --- What this is an example of

Compass directions near a bar magnet Here is the magnetic field of a bar magnet.
Lines of force from a bar magnet A lines-of-force model is easier to draw.

Examples --- What this is an example of