An airplane starts to roll down a runway at 5:00 P.M.. At 5:02 P.M., the remaining length of runway is changing at the rate of - 100 meters/second. Fortunately, the plane's wheels lift off the runway at this point. By 5:03 P.M. the distance between the plane and the ground is increasing at 4 meters per second. What is the instantaneous rate of change of the distance between the plane and the ground at one second before 5:02 P.M.?

(A) +100 meters/second.     (B) -100 meters/second.
(C) + 4.0 meters/second.     (D) - 4.0 meters/second.
(E) 0.0 meters/second.

Questions     What this question is about

An airplane starts to roll down a runway at 5:00 P.M.. At 5:02 P.M., the remaining length of runway is changing at the rate of - 100 meters/second. Fortunately, the plane's wheels lift off the runway at this point. By 5:03 P.M. the distance between the plane and the ground is increasing at 4 meters per second. What is the instantaneous rate of change of the distance between the plane and the ground at one second before 5:02 P.M.?

(A) +100 meters/second.     No.
That is the rate of change of distance along the runway.

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Questions     What this question is about -

An airplane starts to roll down a runway at 5:00 P.M.. At 5:02 P.M., the remaining length of runway is changing at the rate of - 100 meters/second. Fortunately, the plane's wheels lift off the runway at this point. By 5:03 P.M. the distance between the plane and the ground is increasing at 4 meters per second. What is the instantaneous rate of change of the distance between the plane and the ground at one second before 5:02 P.M.?

(B) -100 meters/second.    No.
The rate of change of vertical distance is wanted.

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Questions     What this question is about

An airplane starts to roll down a runway at 5:00 P.M.. At 5:02 P.M., the remaining length of runway is changing at the rate of - 100 meters/second. Fortunately, the plane's wheels lift off the runway at this point. By 5:03 P.M. the distance between the plane and the ground is increasing at 4 meters per second. What is the instantaneous rate of change of the distance between the plane and the ground at one second before 5:02 P.M.?

(C) + 4.0 meters/second.    No.
That is the rate at 5:03 P.M.

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Questions     What this question is about

An airplane starts to roll down a runway at 5:00 P.M.. At 5:02 P.M., the remaining length of runway is changing at the rate of - 100 meters/second. Fortunately, the plane's wheels lift off the runway at this point. By 5:03 P.M. the distance between the plane and the ground is increasing at 4 meters per second. What is the instantaneous rate of change of the distance between the plane and the ground at one second before 5:02 P.M.?

(D) - 4.0 meters/second.    No.
That would have the plane coming down then.

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Questions     What this question is about

An airplane starts to roll down a runway at 5:00 P.M.. At 5:02 P.M., the remaining length of runway is changing at the rate of - 100 meters/second. Fortunately, the plane's wheels lift off the runway at this point. By 5:03 P.M. the distance between the plane and the ground is increasing at 4 meters per second. What is the instantaneous rate of change of the distance between the plane and the ground at one second before 5:02 P.M.?

(E) 0.0 meters/second.     Yes. The final and initial
distance are both zero for times before 5:02 P.M.

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Questions     What this question is about