The passive observation of ordinary events is unlikely to reveal simple laws because

(A) the complexity of ordinary events means that simple laws do not apply to them.
(B) ordinary events are difficult to observe.
(C) the complexity of ordinary events makes the simple underlying laws hard to figure out.
(D) there are not enough ordinary events to reveal simple laws.

Questions     What this question is about

The passive observation of ordinary events is unlikely to reveal simple laws because

(A) the complexity of ordinary events means that simple laws do not apply to them.

No. Laws that are any good apply to everything.

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Questions     What this question is about

The passive observation of ordinary events is unlikely to reveal simple laws because

(C) the complexity of ordinary events makes the simple underlying laws hard to figure out.

Yes. Complications like friction for example.

Check the other answers.

Questions     What this question is about

The passive observation of ordinary events is unlikely to reveal simple laws because

(D) there are not enough ordinary events to reveal simple laws.

No. The number of events is not the problem.

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Questions     What this question is about

The passive observation of ordinary events is unlikely to reveal simple laws because

(B) ordinary events are difficult to observe.

No. We observe them all the time.

Try again.

Questions     What this question is about