Which of the following is a scientific statement?

(A) Isaac Newton was the greatest scientist.
(B) There is beauty in a sunset.
(C) The Moon is made entirely of cheese.
(D) There is intelligent life on other stars.

Questions     What this question is about

Which of the following is a scientific statement?

(D) There is intelligent life on other stars.

No. --- To disprove this statement,
you need to search the whole universe.
Also, they might be hiding.

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Questions     What this question is about

Which of the following is a scientific statement?

(C) The Moon is made entirely of cheese.

The statement can be disproven by trying
to eat some moon rocks.

Check the other answers.
Questions     What this question is about

Which of the following is a scientific statement?

(A) Isaac Newton was the greatest scientist.

Wrong. Cannot be disproven for two reasons:
  1. The word "greatest" has no agreed definition.
  2. A greater one could come along any day.

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Questions     What this question is about

Which of the following is a scientific statement?

(B) There is beauty in a sunset.

Cannot be disproven because there is no
agreed-upon definition of "beauty".

Try again.
Questions     What this question is about