Which one of the following statements about the Theory of Evolution is definitely wrong?

(A) The Theory is wrong.
(B) The Theory is well-established.
(C) The Theory has not yet been disproven.
(D) The Theory is a proven fact.

Questions     What this question is about

Which one of the following statements about the Theory of Evolution is definitely wrong?

(B) The Theory is well-established.

No. This statement is not wrong.

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Questions     What this question is about

Which one of the following statements about the Theory of Evolution is definitely wrong?

(C) The Theory has not yet been disproven.
No. Some might argue,
but most biologists would agree.

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Questions     What this question is about

Which one of the following statements about the Theory of Evolution is definitely wrong?

(D) The Theory is a proven fact. --- Yes.

No scientific theory is ever a proven fact.

Check the other answers.
Questions     What this question is about

Which one of the following statements about the Theory of Evolution is definitely wrong?

(A) The Theory is wrong. --- No.
Any scientific theory can be wrong,
so the statement is possible.

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Questions     What this question is about