I was sick and missed the hour exam. Can I do a makeup?


Makeup exams after the regularly scheduled time are not usually allowed. If you miss one exam because of some unexpected emergency such as illness, the grading procedure automatically takes care of it by replacing your lowest hour exam score by the final exam score.

The main reason for this policy is the class size. I know from experience that about 10% of the class will miss each exam for very good and unavoidable reasons. In a class of 300 students, that is 30 makeup exams, which is more than I can handle.

A secondary reason for the policy is that it often works out better for the student. If you have had a serious emergency, you are better off focusing on recovering from it instead of worrying about taking a makeup exam. You still need to learn the material that was covered, but you have until the final exam to do that.

One possible down side of the policy is that you might already have an exam with a very poor grade and were hoping to replace that one by the final. I do look for that sort of situation (one exam zero because you missed it and another that is much lower than the others) and replace the other exam grade by hand when I find it. However that is a manual procedure and I might overlook you. If you expect to be in that situation, it is best to send me an email to remind me.

Exceptions to the "No late makeups" policy are made when the "emergency" is known well ahead of time but there is no practical way to do an early test. For example, you might need to leave school several days before the scheduled exam and will not be back until afterwards. Exceptions are also made for court dates and military orders such as reserve call-ups so that we do not put you in the position of choosing between academic and civic duties.

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