Easter and Spring Pictures
Bunches of new pictures here
Caroline with her cousin Samuel
Looking at the Ducks
Ducks 2
On the Pier with Mom
Samuel watching the Dallas Game
Samuel showing Caroline which finger to use
Halloween 03
her costume
costume again
with dad
with mom
getting some candy
Caroline in the pumpkin
looking for trick o' treaters
too big for the pumpkin
sleepy lady bug
too much candy
tootsie roll
tootsie roll 2
don't touch her candy!
tootise pop
trick o' treaters
her wings
Mom and Caroline at the Baltimore Harbor
Caroline can STAND UP
Caroline as a turtle
Caroline as a turtle again
Caroline at the Zoo
Pictures at Four months old
Here are some pictures from August
Baby on the boppy
Her cubby cheek
Close up
She can focus
She can fly
Caroline & Mommy
Caroline & Paw
Time to snooze
Snoozin' in the boppy
I pity da fool (MS.. T)!
Looking out the window


Daddy's sick on father's day
Ready for church
New outfit
Zonked out
Hands in the air
Sleepy time
Detroit Fan
That's my team!
Me and my daddy
Daddy and me again
Sleepy time
Dreaming of daddy
Dreaming of Detroit winning the World Series
First Pictures
Caroline and Daddy
First Family Picture
Caroline with Aunt Laura
Caroline with Aunt Carrie
Sleepy Caroline
Sleepy Caroline at home
Caroline ready for the beach