Social Policy Links

Bureau of Indian Affairs

Census Bureau

Census Bureau--State and County Data

Committee on Ways and Means

Federal Reserve Bank Board of Governors

HHS, Admin for Children and Families' Welfare Reform Page

Dept. of Labor (All about the minimum wage)

Federal Web Site Locator

General Accounting Office

News in the States

OMB Watch

Social Security Administration

Welfare Reform State Links

Statistical Abstract of the U.S.--1999

Supreme Court Decisions (a complete list of recent cases
/a selected list of cases decided more than one year ago)

THOMAS--Congressional Info on the Internet

US House of Representatives

US Senate

Virginia General Assembly

American Public Welfare Association

Annie E. Casey Foundation

Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management

Brookings Institution

The Cato Institute

Center for Law and Social Policy

Council on Social Work Education

Electronic Policy Network

Families USA

Progress and Freedom Foundation

ideaLIST (a directory of 9,000 websites)

USA WEEKEND's Make A Difference Day (volunteerism news and advice)


National Association of Counties

National Coalition for the Homeless

National Committee for Educating Students to Influence State Policy & Legislation

National Conference of State Legislatures


Sticky Wicket--Poverty's Home Page

University of Wisconsin--Institute for Research on Poverty

Urban Institute

World Hunger Year (WHY)

Think Tanks (a comprehensive list)

AP--Washington Wire

The Atlantic Monthly

Congressional Quarterly

The Economist Review

Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Economic Review

Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Economic Review

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Economic Review

New Republic

The Nonprofit Times

Philosophy and Public Policy

Political Science Quarterly

Demographics of Poverty and More

Graph--Poverty 1959 to 2001

The 2000 Green Book

Economic Policy Institute

Federal Poverty Guidelines

FDR and the New Deal

Poverty Measurement- Issues in Revising . . .
(GAO report dated 4/15/97)

Social Security Administration--Teacher's Kit