I. Class Notes:

     Download the lecture note of each chapter  from my home page and bring it to the class

     (from Ch. 6).


     How to download?

1. Choose Netscape Communicator (Do NOT use Internet Explorer) for better printout.

2. Go to my homepage (userwww.sfsu.edu/~mpark)

3. Click the BUS781, and then select Notes. Notes will be displayed.

4. Click the Print button on the toolbar.

    OR, highlight the entire portion of the note and click on the "Copy" icon.

5. Open new Word document and click the "Paste".button

4. Edit it yourself (e.g., font size, note space, style of characters, etc.).



II. Tentative Exam Dates


       Midterm I :  Monday, February 24, 2003

       Midterm II:  Monday, March 24, 2003

       Midterm Exam III: Monday, April 28, 2003


      Final Exam:  Monday, May 19, 2003