I. Class Notes:

     Download the lecture notes from my home page and bring it to the class

     (from Ch. 4).

      How to download?

1. Choose Netscape Communicator (Do NOT use Internet Explorer) for better printout.

2. Go to my homepage (userwww.sfsu.edu/~mpark)

3. Click the ACCT307, and then select Notes.

4. Click the Print button on the toolbar.



 II. Tentative Exam Dates

       Exam I :  Wednesday, June 23, 2004

      Exam II: Monday,  July 12, 2004  


Answers to Discussion Questions and Problems: Multiple-Choice only

                         (ACCT307, Summer 2004)

 Ch. 2:

              Q&P  13.  B          Q & P 14. C          Q&P  15.  D          Q & P 16.  D  

              Q&P  17.  C          Q & P 18. C


 Ch. 4:

              Q&P  21.  B          Q & P  22. B          Q&P  23.  B          Q & P 24.  B  

              Q&P  25.  B          Q & P  26. C          Q&P  27.  B          Q & P 28.  D  

              Q&P  29.  A          Q & P  30. B          Q&P  31.  D          Q & P 32.  A  

              Q&P  33.  B          Q & P  34. B          Q&P  35.  B          Q & P 36.  D   

              Q&P  37.  D          Q & P  38. D          Q&P  39.  B          Q & P 40.  B  

              Q&P  41.  C          Q & P  42. D          Q&P  43.  A          Q & P 44.  D  

              Q&P  45.  D          Q & P  46. A