Reduced Particles MAA Worksheet
Name ______________________________
- Dilute MAA vial with 5 mL of saline. Withdraw a 1 mL aliquot and place it in a 30 mL sterile empty vial.
Calculate the total # of particles in the 1 mL aliquot:
Total particles in vial = ______________________
- Calculate total volume needed to make the kit of reduced particles (all contents go into a 30 mL sterile vial)
- Calculate the activity of 99mTc required for patient dose. See dose ranges.
Dose in mCi x total volume (activity x volume (step 2) define total 99mTc in mCi.
Adult dose is usually 3.5 mCi, however, pediatric dose must be acquired by the physician.
Total activity is then determined below:
- From the elution vial add the required 99mTc activity to the 30 mL vial and note its volume.
- Incubate for 15 minutes. Smaller particle amount may require up to 30 minutes incubation.
- Calculate the volume of normal saline needed in the 30 mL vial.
- Complete TLC on the final product.
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For your homework Calculate the reduced particles on a pediatric patient given the following data: pediatric dose = 1.5 mCi should contain 75,000 particles. The MAA vial contains 4.5 million particles and the elution vial of pertechnetate contains 85 mCi/mL. Once you have completed your calculations, you can evaluate your answer by clicking here.