J Comprehensible Results

Journal of Comprehensible Results

Bierle CJ, Anderholm KM, Wang JB, Mcvoy MA, Schleiss MR
Targeted Mutagenesis of Guinea Pig Cytomegalovirus Using CRISPR/ Cas9-Mediated Gene Editing
J Virol 90:6989 –6998

(Translated by Mario Melchor-Guerra)


The results of the experiments show that CRISPR/Cas9 is a promising alternative to using BACs. There are a few potential problems such as, problems with off target activity but the experiments used predictive algorithms in order to avoid this. It may become an issue if entire genome sequences are being used. The uses of BACs are simple and usually effective but CRISPR/Cas9 is a simple alternative that almost entirely eliminates the need for BACs. Simple modifications and further research using CRISPR/Cas9 will perfect it but that is to be seen.