Spring 2013 MATH 310-002 Linear Algebra


Professor: Marco Aldi

Office: Harris Hall 4162

Office Hours: W 11:30am-1:30pm, Th 9:00am-10:00am and by appointment

Lectures: TuTh 2:00-3:15; Harris Hall, Room 2108

Prerequisites: MATH 201 or permission of the instructor


Our Textbook is:

Elementary Linear Algebra, Seventh Edition, by Larson (ISBN 1-133-11087-8)

Goals and Expectations:


The first miderm is on the material covered up to that point. The second midterm is on the material covered after the first miderm. The final exam is comprehensive .

Each test contains a part in which you are asked to reproduce various definitions and statement of theorems introduced during the lectures. This is to make sure that you are familiar with the language of the course. As a consequence, all tests are closed-book and closed-notes . All electronic devices must be switched off during the exams.


Assignments are posted on Blackboard on Thursdays. Homework is due at the end of each Thursday lecture, one week after it has been assigned. Late homework will not be accepted.

Homework may be submitted either in paper form or electronically via email. Any format that can be opened with VCU Google Apps is acceptable for electronic submission, though PDF is preferred.


Your course grade will be computed according to the following weights:

There will be no make up exams. If you miss the first midterm, the grade of your second midterm will be doubled. If you miss the second midterm, your final will account for 45% of your cumulative grade. Missing both midterms or the final will result in a failing grade.

The three lowest homework grades will be dropped. Your total homework grade is the sum of the remaining homework points. Missing homework will count as zero.

Office Hours:

Office hours are an important part of this course. Attendance is not required but strongly encouraged. If my office door is open it means you are welcome to drop by and ask me math-related questions. If you would like to meet outside office hours please send me an email to schedule an appointment.

Course Description:

MATH 310 is a first introduction to linear algebra and its applications. The material covers: systems of linear equations, matrix operations, determinants, vector spaces, linear dependence, bases, dimensions, linear mappings, eigenvalues. Applications are illustrated through examples and homework assignments.

Special arrangements:

Students registered with VCU Disability Support Services (DSS) should contact me during the first week of class in order to arrange suitable academic adjustemets or accommodations. I may not be able to accommodate later requests.

See also www.specialservices.vcu.edu/disabilityss/ .

Military students receiving orders for short-term tranining or deployment are asked to inform and present their orders to Military Student Services and to the instructor.

Student athletes must provide the instructor with their schedule during the first week of class so that appropriate arrangements can be made.

Important Dates:

See also: http://academiccalendars.vcu.edu/

Campus Emergency information:

What to Know and Do To Be Prepared for Emergencies at VCU:

Classroom Conduct:

The university is a community of learners. Students, as well as faculty, have a responsibility for creating and maintaining an environment that supports effective instruction. In order for faculty members (including graduate teaching assistants) to provide and students to receive effective instruction in classrooms, laboratories, studios, online courses, and other learning areas, the university expects students to conduct themselves in an orderly and cooperative manner. Among other things, cell phones and beepers should be turned off while in the classroom. Also, the university Rules and Procedures prohibit anyone from having "in his possession any firearm, other weapon, or explosive, regardless of whether a license to possess the same has been issued, without the written authorization of the President of the university."

Important Websites: