Webpage Reputation Scoring System


In the summer of 2007, as a part of the Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics Research in Industrial Projects for Students (RIPS) undergraduate research program at UCLA, I mentored a team who investigated, designed, and prototyped key elements of a webpage reputation scoring system.

The goal of this project is to create a scoring system to evaluate any website for possible threats to the Internet user and to communicate this score to the user in an informative manner.

Team members: Neil Katuna, Natth Bejraburnin, and Peng Zhao.

This research was sponsored by Symantec.

Report: "A Webpage Reputation Scoring System", IPAM RIPS 2007 Final Report, UCLA, August 2007.

Presentation: "A Website Reputation Scoring System", IPAM RIPS 2007 Final Presentation, UCLA, August 2007.



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