Updated: 01/15/03

Functions - Daily, Monthly, Yearly

New Projects



  1. Web Publishing Guidelines (new format)
  2. Compliance
    must be completed by November 1st.
  3. Survey Software
    Look to see if there is a commercial software to do surveys.
    VCU IRE is using eListen survey software:  http://www.elisten.com
  4. Macromedia DreamWeaver Ultra Dev to develop my ASP pages.
  5. Web Site Compliance
    Work with Creative Services to implement updated guidelines

  6. www.pubinfo.vcu.edu/forums
    Jeff South - The Vine


  1. Download Google Monitor 1.0 .

  2. NCBI & Chlebowski
  3. Dreamweaver
    learn to update AT templates and web site with Dreamweaver
  4. Norway - School of the Arts
    Steven Hoskins <slhoskin@mail1.vcu.edu> to Nov 30th
  1. Events Calendar
    School search allows keyword and date searching within School search;
    Dept look and feel for calendar
  2. Leave Application
    Implement interface; authenticate against LDAP (10, x)
  3. Weave
    Implement many changes (40 days)
  4. Ecommerce Applications
    Parking - Paying Citations
    Dining - Purchasing Meal Packages and/or  Meal Plans
    Retail Stores - Purchasing  Books


  1. Lab Scheduling Software - Math 141
  2. Move VCU Images
    move VCU images from pubinfo to people (2 days)
  3. Weave Code - 25 first and last pages of code
  4. Physics Conference
    Implement 3rd Ecommerce application (10 days)
  1. Web server Permissions
    Convert 644 and 755 to 664 and 775 (group writeable)
  2. User create web containers
    Create cgi-script to allow Creative Service to create their own web folders
  3. Automate web space creation
    form to gather information to speed up creation of web sites
  4. GIS
    work with noble to implement gis.vcu.edu


  1. Ask Carlisle about webalizer for user
  2. Fix jupiter.vcu.edu/usage/ better
  3. Identify duplicate accounts on Mail 1/Mail 2
  4. Test DBD:Sybase
  5. Modify leave application to.allow user entry of reporting structure
  6. Re-work bld system to multi-update and use RPMs
  7. Test IMAP server login against Mira
  8. Quotas for Mail 1/Mail 2
  9. SSL license for java.vcu.edu
    Have a self-certifying certificate on java, need a real one.  May require adding Apache to server.
  10. log4j, which is a tool for doing selective logging from Java programs that some of the uPortal implementers recommend.

Got-Done List:

  1. Time estimate for test grading
  2. Update my To-Do list on Wiki

Someday List:

  1. Get a test server to successfully use LDAP for sending mail.  I'm still not comfortable enough with LDAP to say how long it will take me; this is something I need to study.  I think it would take at least a month, but at least I think now know enough about sendmail to get it working, much more than the first time I looked at this.
  2. Get the current sendmail running on mira back into the build system--since I had to redo the sendmail.cf, the rpm I built no longer will install exactly as we have it running.  Also should change 'mira.vcu.edu' in a couple places to 'ccso.vcu.edu', and should get it working with the bld command instead of just rpm.  A week or two's worth of work.
  3. Handle log rotation on europa and possibly ganymede.  Probably a day or two.
  4. Move search.vcu.edu back to juno, so callisto can be our test server again.  Two days to a week; I'll need to coordinate with John S to do this, since he knows more about analog (which I don't think we need to fiddle with, because I think it's already only on juno) and htdig (which we definitely do need to move) than I do.
  5. Sieve on cyrus (a server-side mail filtering program--folks with webmail could use this).  I'd started looking at this long ago, but it got lost in the rush of other projects.  I'd like to take a look at it again at some point.  No idea on time.
  6. Clean my desk.  Probably about 7 months of work.  (Actually, I think I could get it down in an afternoon, and expect to, soon.)
  7. Web Site Update CGI Script
    Create a cgi script to present a web interface of all files to be updated, added, deleted to production server from the staging server.  Allowing the script runner the option to not allow (uncheck) any set of files to be updated, added or deleted.


  1. Ongoing Migration Stuff
    1. Usenet:
      mira has usenet running now, and is filling up with articles.  I don't know how to get old articles off the old server, but since there were only two articles in the vcu.* hierarchy and both of no long-term interest, I've decided I don't care enough to fix this.  I've decided on next week sometime for the switch of the name usenet.vcu.edu.  Probably about half a day's to a day's more work.  Specifically, while it's filling up just fine, the setting up of reader permission hasn't been finished yet--right now, you can only read from localhost and you can't post even from there.
    2. Massmail
      I'm moving the scripts over yesterday and today; I expect to be testing them later today, and for there to be few snags.  Done by tomorrow I expect.
    3. CCSO:
      Done as far as I know.  We may want to tweak sendmail more--I think it's giving some weird bounces (mentioning procmail) when double bouncing (which goes to postmaster), although I haven't seen these for regular bounces.
    4. Listserv:
      Done as far as I know.  I think there might be some non-redirecting web links; need to analyse the logs a bit more, and I (we) need to decide which machine to move the venus name to. Probably jupiter, and set up venus.vcu.edu as something that redirects everything to either lists.vcu.edu (if it's a list archive thing) or www.vcu.edu for everything else.  Maybe 2 hours max on those two things.  Probably less.
    5. Tweak update procedure:
      There are also several tweaks that need to be done to the update procedure.  Right now, for example, various alias duplications aren't being properly checked for (which is probably the biggee).  Rick Raughton has some things that check for this, and I'm pretty sure he's handling them as they arise, but we should stop them from arising, as it slightly corrupts the data that gets sent to the people db.  There are a few other tweaks that need to be made, and some others that probably ought to be made.
  1. Error 404
  2. Webmaster Email
  3. Web Support Email
  4. VCU Home Page Updates
  5. Top 2 levels of VCU Web Site (VCU A-Z, Centers, Faculty/Staff)
  6. Documentation
  1. Web Statistics
  2. Web Site Analysis
  3. Training
  1. Webmaster Seminars (twice a year)
  2. Web Page Compliance
    1. http://www.pubinfo.vcu.edu/web/

Projects to Do

In Progress

  1. AT Web
    • Director's have to finalize the links
    • Pam is developing an AT look
    • Director's develop info about their unit
  2. Portal
  3. Linkbot
    • Need to reset program
  4. Agreement with VCUHS for use of Web Servers
    • Joe Cirillo and Jim Yucha hammer out agreement.
  5. IT Web Site  http://www.preview.vcu.edu/topgun/
    • Phyllis, Bob Neale and I met over IT design
    • Developing template for web site.  {Jim}


  1. Store Front
    • Internet Ticketing
      • On Hold -- Athletics may outsource
    • Student Registration
      • Discussions between Jim Bostick, Jim Yucha, and Richard John need to take place to describe the actual application.
    • Something From Home:
      • Donghai updated the prices.
      • Still using Guyre's cgi program.
    • Implement automatic Credit Cards validation
  2. Web Cam
    • Have given camera info to Dave Van Nest
    • Met with Richard & Dave Morefield - they are going to give me pricing
    • Would like to use $2.5K from parking to purchase
    • Camera 1: On Business pointing toward commons
    • Camera 2: pointing toward Egyptian/MSB
  3. Search (People/VCU Web)
    • Redo Entry Page, working on 2nd level pages with Jim Toth
    • Allow wild card search by default, with a check box for no wild card.
    • Long term answer may be to go to an ldap directory rather than ccso.
  4. HTDIG Search Engine
    • Looking at Google
    • Jim: check to see if UVA is using the free univ search.
  5. University Course Catalog
    • Waiting on Kelly Roach University Outreach to give me the access database
    • Kelly stated that it will be later this semester before they get the DB completed due to Life Sciences demands.
  6. Web Support Documentation
  7. VCU Maps
    • Pam is creating a template
  8. Implement Hit Counter for WWW (Carlisle)
  9. IPA: Institutional Effectiveness
  10. VCU Web Site Review - 2001 version
    • Unlink remaining sites
  11. WVCW on the internet
    • system is operational
    • Mar 2002 residence halls will be completed for multicasting
    • will be using multicasting from that point forward.
  12. Technology Enhanced Courses
    • Future enhancements
      • master account to update multiple instructor's course sites
      • insert official course description (#7)
      • create one course listing from #7 and #25
    • Additional Enhancements
      • Allow for searching of Distance Education Courses
      • Add Graphics for "VCU Faculty - Enter Course Info"
      • created text for above graphic for now.
  13. Notes Timekeeping using JSP
  14. IWH Database   http://www.pubinfo.vcu.edu/iwh/
    • Project seems to have died.

Projects Completed

  1. VCU Web Site (2001)
    • Done
  2. Archive Old VCU Home Page
  3. CVC
  4. Governor Debate at VCU
    • Donghai created a form to allow VCU people to submit their name to be randomly drawn for one of 70 seats available.
    • Completed: 500 folks entered the lottery.
  5. IT Training
    • Now on SQL with HR, AT and Libraries in full production
    • Complete for now
    • Add Waiting List
  6. Student Web Server: Publishing Guidelines
    • Do we create a directory of web pages
  7. Research Survey
  8. President/VP Evaluation
  9. Broad is Back
    • EVENT CANCELED -- will need to test if events happens in future.
  10. Events Calendar (redo)  http://www.pubinfo.vcu.edu/calendar/  Jan 2002
    • link into Commons reservation system
  11. IT Web Site redesigned (phase 1: functionality) Feb 2002


Databases we maintain

Applications we maintain

Continuous Projects

Web Sites we maintain