// PinnacleInfo.Script // // Jeffrey Siebers // Virginia Commonwealth University // // Script to dump information from Pinnacle that could // be useful for MU checks or other record verification // Modification History: // Nov 22, 2002: JVS // March 14, 2003: JVS cleaned for distribution // // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Use at your own risk // Neither the author of this script nor the institution make any claims // or warrenties regarding its use or mis-use. // Users are free to modify this script, also at their own risk. // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Echo = " -lastName"; Echo = PlanInfo.LastName; Echo = " -firstName "; Echo = PlanInfo.FirstName; Echo = " -middleName "; Echo = PlanInfo.MiddleName; Echo = " -planName "; Echo = PlanInfo.PlanName; Echo = " -medicalRecordNumber "; Echo = PlanInfo.MedicalRecordNumber; // // Create another string that contains pertainent data // Echo = " -trialName "; Echo = TrialList.Current.Name; Echo = " -beamName "; Echo = TrialList.Current.BeamList.Current.Name; Echo = " -machineName "; Echo = TrialList.Current.BeamList.Current.MachineNameAndVersion; Echo = " -modality "; Echo = TrialList.Current.BeamList.Current.Modality; Echo = " -energy "; Echo = TrialList.Current.BeamList.Current.MachineEnergyName; Echo = " -gantryAngle "; Echo = TrialList.Current.BeamList.Current.Gantry; Echo = " -collimatorAngle "; Echo = TrialList.Current.BeamList.Current.Collimator; // Jaw Positions.... Echo = " -jawX1 "; Echo = TrialList.Current.BeamList.Current.LeftJawPosition; Echo = " -jawX2 "; Echo = TrialList.Current.BeamList.Current.RightJawPosition; Echo = " -jawY1 "; Echo = TrialList.Current.BeamList.Current.BottomJawPosition; Echo = " -jawY2 "; Echo = TrialList.Current.BeamList.Current.TopJawPosition; Echo = " -wedge "; Echo = TrialList.Current.BeamList.Current.WedgeContext.WedgeName; Echo = " -block "; // Need to use "Block Manager" or "Modifier List" to determine if block exists.... // Not quite sure what will happen when have plan with actual block.... Echo = TrialList.Current.BeamList.Current.ModifierList.Children; Echo = " -radDepth"; Echo = TrialList.Current.BeamList.Current.MonitorUnitInfo.RadDepthToActualPoint; Echo = " -beamWeight"; Echo = TrialList.Current.BeamList.Current.Weight; Echo = " -prescriptionMUs"; Echo = TrialList.Current.PrescriptionList.Prescription.RequestedMonitorUnitsPerFraction; /* Echo = "Beginning of Script................"; Echo = "Trial Name"; Echo = TrialList.Current.Name; Echo = "Current Beam Name"; Echo = TrialList.Current.BeamList.Current.Name; Echo = "Gantry Angle"; Echo = TrialList.Current.BeamList.Current.Gantry; Echo = "Collimator Angle"; Echo = TrialList.Current.BeamList.Current.Collimator; Echo = "Jaw Positions (Left, Right, Top, Bottom)"; Echo = TrialList.Current.BeamList.Current.LeftJawPosition; Echo = TrialList.Current.BeamList.Current.RightJawPosition; Echo = TrialList.Current.BeamList.Current.TopJawPosition; Echo = TrialList.Current.BeamList.Current.BottomJawPosition; // Echo = "Wedge Name"; Echo = TrialList.Current.BeamList.Current.WedgeContext.WedgeName; Echo = "SSD"; Echo = TrialList.Current.BeamList.Current.SSD; Echo = TrialList.Current.BeamList.Current.AvgSSD; Echo = TrialList.Current.BeamList.Current.SSDValid; Echo = "Tray Factor"; Echo = TrialList.Current.BeamList.TrayFactor; Echo = "Compensator Valid?"; Echo = TrialList.Current.BeamList.Current.Compensator.IsValid; Echo = "Monitor Unit Info"; Echo = TrialList.Current.BeamList.Current.MonitorUnitInfo.PrescriptionDose; Echo = TrialList.Current.BeamList.Current.MonitorUnitInfo.PrescriptionPointDepth; Echo = TrialList.Current.BeamList.Current.MonitorUnitInfo.PrescriptionPointRadDepth; Echo = TrialList.Current.BeamList.Current.MonitorUnitInfo.DepthToActualPoint; Echo = TrialList.Current.BeamList.Current.MonitorUnitInfo.SSDToActualPoint; Echo = TrialList.Current.BeamList.Current.MonitorUnitInfo.RadDepthToActualPoint; Echo = TrialList.Current.BeamList.Current.MonitorUnitInfo.PrescriptionPointRadDepthValid; Echo = TrialList.Current.BeamList.Current.MonitorUnitInfo.PrescriptionPointOffAxisDistance; Echo = TrialList.Current.BeamList.Current.MonitorUnitInfo.UnblockedFieldAreaAtSAD; Echo = TrialList.Current.BeamList.Current.MonitorUnitInfo.UnblockedFieldPerimeterAtSAD; Echo = TrialList.Current.BeamList.Current.MonitorUnitInfo.BlockedFieldAreaAtSAD; Echo = TrialList.Current.BeamList.Current.MonitorUnitInfo.IntersectFieldAreaAtSAD; Echo = TrialList.Current.BeamList.Current.MonitorUnitInfo.NormalizeDose; Echo = TrialList.Current.BeamList.Current.MonitorUnitInfo.CollimatorOutputFactor; Echo = TrialList.Current.BeamList.Current.MonitorUnitInfo.RelativeOutputFactor; Echo = TrialList.Current.BeamList.Current.MonitorUnitInfo.PhantomOutputFactor; Echo = "Field Weight"; Echo = TrialList.Current.BeamList.Current.Weight; Echo = "Prescription"; Echo = TrialList.Current.PrescriptionList.Prescription.RequestedMonitorUnitsPerFraction; */ Echo = "End of Script"; //