by VCU's

SPECIAL EDITION: Coverage of the Virginia General Assembly

From Jan. 14 through Feb. 17, this site was updated each weekday by a student in Mass Comm 375 at Virginia Commonwealth University. See our back issues for daily legislative coverage and other special editions.

:: Features ::

Disgruntled postal workers need not apply at the House of Delegates’ post office. The employees there deliver service with a smile. [By Chad Bernard]

The pitter-patter of children’s feet and the clomping of dress shoes and high heels often make for loud disruptive noise inside the Virginia State Capitol.

But for Billy O. Hill, General Assembly doorkeeper, it is a pleasurable sound that gives him a job to do. [By Sarah Hearney]

A day in the life of a Capitol reporter, with tips for covering the Legislature. [By Lindsay Kaster]

:: feedback ::
> Suggestions, ideas,
tips for coverage? Tell us!
EXTRA! Stories for: Friday, March 10, 2000


The General Assembly is winding up its first session under Republican control with a record in some ways predictable – and in other ways a complete surprise. [By Tracey Wainwright, as published on]


Sen. William Wampler wants to lure high-tech jobs to Southwest Virginia, where unemployment is high but many residents lack computer skills. [By Tom Netherland]

Delegate Jay W. DeBoer says the state, with help from localities, should improve programs for mentally ill and mentally disabled Virginians. [By Sarah Hearney]

The Hampton Roads Transit wants to run sleek express motor coaches, equipped for cell phones and computers, between Williamsburg and downtown Norfolk. [By Sylvia Moore]

:: links ::

> Home page for MASC 375, the Legislative Reporting course
at Virginia Commonwealth University's School of Mass Communications

> Hotlist of newspapers covering the General Assembly

> Other online resources for legislative reporters