by VCU's

SPECIAL EDITION: Coverage of the Virginia General Assembly

From Jan. 14 through Feb. 17, this site was updated each weekday by a student in Mass Comm 375 at Virginia Commonwealth University. See our back issues for daily legislative coverage.

:: Features ::

Want to sound off? Let your fingers do the walking – so you can do the talking – with the General Assembly's constituent viewpoint hotline. [By Lindsay Kastner]

Cars, cars everywhere – but not a parking spot to be found. [By Tom Netherland]

Looking down from the gallery on the legislative chambers, one might see a legislator surfing the Internet, reviewing the Code of Virginia or even playing solitaire.

Laptop computers have replaced nearly every bill book that legislators traditionally used. [By Tracey Wainwright]

:: feedback ::
> Suggestions, ideas,
tips for coverage? Tell us!
EXTRA! Stories for: Wednesday, March 8, 2000


Legislators say students shouldn't be 'carrier pigeons' for political groups. [By Elana Simms]

A bill to help unemployed workers advances. [By Sylvia Moore]

The governor outlines plans for higher education. [By Artis Gordon]


Property owners deserve more protection from the government's power to take their land, some lawmakers say. [By Lindsay Kaster]

Some legislators are recommending a variety of bills to keep guns out of the wrong hands. [By Sylvia Moore]

:: links ::

> Home page for MASC 375, the Legislative Reporting course
at Virginia Commonwealth University's School of Mass Communications

> Hotlist of newspapers covering the General Assembly

> Other online resources for legislative reporters