by VCU's

A daily roundup of media coverage of the Virginia General Assembly
Updated by noon each weekday by a student in Mass Comm 375 at Virginia Commonwealth University
:: today's editor ::
> Artis Gordon

:: verbatim ::

"When we make college more affordable, we make the American dream more achievable."

- President Clinton on his proposal Thursday to create a $10,000 tax deduction to help Americans pay for tuition, books and university fees.

:: on deck ::
The Capitol Region Caucus is scheduled to meet at 8 a.m. Monday in the 3rd Floor West room of the General Assembly Building.

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> Yahoo! News:
Oddly Enough

... funny, strange and true news stories from around the globe.

:: recess ::
The administrator of the Wall O' Shame Web site says, “This is my attempt to characterize the erosion of our world by displaying true stories and tidbits that are just too nonlinear.” Among the tidbits are “90 Percent Body Odor” and “What Not to Write on Your Security Clearance Form.”

:: feedback ::
> Suggestions, ideas,
tips for coverage? Tell us!
Friday, Jan. 21, 2000

Martin Luther King vs. Confederate icons:
Whose holiday should come first?

Some admirers of Confederate Gens. Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson disagree with the governor's plan to split the state's King-Jackson-Lee Day into two state holidays. [Full story by April Duran]

A shot in the arm for immunizations

Delegate Preston Bryant, R-Lynchburg, is pushing for measures to ensure that all children are immunized from major diseases at an early age, the Lynchburg News & Advance reported. His bill recommends that insurance companies cover the cost of vaccination shots for measles, mumps, rubella, polio, hepatitis and other childhood diseases.

The ties that bind

Four senior Democrats arrived in the House of Delegates on Thursday wearing identical ties, The Roanoke Times reported. Their ties were red, black and blue and displayed the Latin phrase "Non illegitimi carborundom." On the back of each tie was a loose translation: "Don't let the b------- grind you down."

Democrats seek money for services

Democrats in both chambers of the General Assembly are seeking more than $100 million over the next two years for programs to improve mental health services, assist families caring for elderly relatives, aid unemployed textile workers and help poor children gain health insurance, the Richmond Times-Dispatch reported.

Lawmaker, governor clash over standards

Delegate Alan Diamonstein, D-Newport News, stole the floor during a House budget committee meeting by opposing Gov. Jim Gilmore's proposal to establish performance standards for state colleges and universities, The Roanoke Times reported. Gilmore's budget plan calls for performance agreements to go into effect at each college and university by July 1, 2001.


:: links ::

> Home page for MASC 375, the Legislative Reporting course
at Virginia Commonwealth University's School of Mass Communications

> Hotlist of newspapers covering the General Assembly

> Other online resources for legislative reporters