teHalfenitu geb'

elama teHlefenitu geb'         	Will this be over
weqebet snat etgese            	And will I sit among my peers ?
mn abeqE ethage                	If I can, I may even talk
wemn ye'amr etense             	And if I know not, I will listen
taHalfeni dib ebl wedib etemne 	While I hope it will be over
Halif abiet ednya we'abiet sene	It is refusing to pass and to mend
Halif abiet ednya we'abiet sene	It is refusing to pass and to mend
mn ela te'ake ita'amS'         	Don't bring worse than this
mewlayie ewan esne             	Oh Lord make time better

taHalfeni dib ebl wedib asebr While I wait in patience for it to be over qCha nashfet mslmay dib ekasr And while I eat dry bread with only water lbashe ruqoE drEto Awret setr And cloth in rags that covers my shame only egryie eb Hafihu admay Cherr And my bare feet bleeding Halif abiet ednya yehaw ma 'basr It is refusing to be over and to mend

teHalfeni dib ebl tHalfeni While I hope it will be over Halif abiet ednya we'abieteni It is refusing to be over and to mend gl y'sheQe genberyie Sarereni I have little luck and no work wed men enta wem bka meS'iteni I am asked whose son I am, and what I have eziem eyie w'jeml azim leHasheni I better speak not, silence may be better

Kynat ta ednya woTelam ta mn bedir This world has always been faithless and a traitor serna TUm belE : serna merir Some of us eat sweet and others bitter serna lebs drEto weserna Harir Some of us cloth in silk and others tatter serna ltEb weljeres Haz nebir Some of us toil and tire to live weserna ab gsayie belE mnyu Sebir And some of us sit, and are fed plenty ezom eyie ab dediche azim Hays wesetir I better speak not, silence is better

tHalfeni dib ebl tHalfeni While I hope it will be over Halif Halif abiet ednya we'abieteni It is refusing to pass and to mend Halif abiet ednya we'abieteni It is refusing to pass and to mend elama tHalfenitu geb'weqebet snat etgese Will this be over ? and will I sit among my peers? mn ebeqE ethage If I can I may even talk wemn ye'amr etense:: If I know not, I will listen ___________________________ (Translation by Omar Kekia)