Words Used in Questions
We will now use some propositions that we have learned in previous
lessons to make compound words that are often used in questions
used to enquire about time, place, condition etc. This
list is not complete, and the learner will of course add to it as
she/he learns more words.
1. mdol = when
ma aze has the same meaning as mdol.
mdol egl tigis tu ? when will you (m,s) go ?
ma aze egl tigis tu ? " " " "
mdol egl tigisi tu ? when will you (f,s) go ?
mdol meSa'ki ? when did you (f,s) come ?
mdol re'ekahom ? when did you(m,s) see them (m)?
mdol re'ekahan ? when did you (m,s) see them (f) ?
mdol re'ekyom ? when did you (f,s) see them (m) ?
mdol re'ekyen ? when did you (f,s) see them (f) ?
2. msaAt = what hour or what time
msaAt laAqabl mesleka ? what time do you think he will be back ?
msaAt taAqabl meleka ? what time do you think she will be back ?
also means " what time will you(m,s) be back?
msaAt halena ? what time is it now.
3. et aya = in where
et aya hala male lezabekahu ktab ? where is the book that you (m.,s)
bought yesterday ?
et aya hala male lezabekyu ktab ? where is the book that you(f,s)
bought yesterday ?
et aya hala male lezabekuwu ktab ? where is the book that I
bought yesterday ?
et aya ttrekeb ? where could she be found ?
et aya ekan beda ? In what place was it lost ?/ where was
it lost ?
4. mn aya = from wher
mn aya meSa'ki ? where from did you (f,s) come ?
mn aya zabekahu ? where from did you buy it ?
5. eshwo = which one
eshwo Hays ? which one is better ?
eshwo ln'sh ? which one is smaller ?
eshwo tfeti ? which one do you (f,s) like/love ?
6. kefo = how
kefo haleka/halaki ? how are you m/f ?
kefo halekum ? how are you (p) ?
eli kefo ge'a ? how did this happen ?
7. egl mi = why
leHsan egl mi beke hala ? why is the child crying ?
egl mi ite'as'lu ? why don't you tell him ?
egl mi ite'as'la ? why don't you tell her ?
egl mi abeka ? why did you say no (refuse) ?
8. akl ayi = how much
akl ayi seladi teHaze ? how much money do you need ?
akl ayi terfeki ? how much is left for you (f,s) ?
akl ayi terfeka ? how much is left for you (m,s) ?
akl ayi terfeni ? how much is left for me ?
akl ayi terfeyom ? how much is left for them (m) ?
akl ayi terfeyen ? how much is left for them (f) ?
9. kem = how much
kem has the same meaning as akl ayi, but it referes specifically to
a quantity.
kem zabekahu ? how much did you pay for it ?
kem beleka ? how much did he say (to you ) ?
kem bela ? how much did he say ?
dib Hate senet kem amEl halaya ? how many days are there in one
dib Hate ryal kem sentim hala ? how many cents are there in one
dollar (ryal) ?
End of Lesson 29
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