1. Write similar sentences using different pronouns for the sentence
given below:
ana hgya tgre etAlem haleko. I am learning the Tigre language.
nHna hgya tgre ntAlem halena we
enti hgya tgre ttAlemi haleki you(f,s)
enta hgya tgre ttAlem haleka you(m,s)
entum hgya tgre ttAlemo halekum you(m,p)
entn hgya tgre ttAlema halekn you(f,p)
htu hgya tgre ltAlem hala he
hta hgya tgre ttAlem halet she
htom hgya tgre ltAlemo halewu they (m)
hten hgya tgre ltAlema haleya they (f)
2. Now change the verb and do the same thing for the sentence
ana eketb haleko = I am writing.
nHna enketb halena = we
enti (t)ketbi haleki = you(f,s) (t) almost silent.
enta (t)ketb haleka = you(m,s)
entn ketba halekn = you(p, f )
entum ketbo halekum = you (p, m)
htu ketb hala = he
hta (t)ketb halet = she (t) almost silent
htom ketbo halewu = they (m)
hten ketba haleya = they (f)
End of Answers for Exercise 2
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