Biol 213: Genetics (Fall 2000)*
Unit 1: Elements of Genetics
How do cells work? Central role of protein
Protein: Relationship between sequence
and function
DNA: The genetic material
Replication of DNA
Relationship between gene and protein
Flow of genetic information: Transcription
The genetic code
Translation and RNA: Who knows the code?
Unit 2: Mendelian Genetics
Chromosomes: Their nature & behavior
Chromosomes: When things go wrong
Mendelian Genetics: Simple cross and Chi-squared
Mendelian Genetics: Dihybrid cross and probabilities
Extensions to Mendelian genetics
Complementation & recombination
Linkage and mapping genetic distances
Unit 3: Regulation of Gene
Expression and Development
Model for transcriptional regulation:
The lac operon
Transcriptional regulation in eukaryotes
Why are neurons neurons and not red
blood cells?
How transcriptional regulation controls embryogenesis
Unit 4: Mutation and Population
Mutation: What kind of mutations arise?
Mutation: How is it repaired
Mutation: Cancer and somatic mutation
Genome plasticity & structure
Measuring genetic diversity & allele frequencies
The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
How can allele frequencies change in
a population?
*Click on unit for schedule and access to class notes
and presentations