BNFO 491 
Molecular Biology Through Discovery
Crick et al (1961) simulation - Documentation
Fall 2012 


  1. Crick FHC, Barnett L, Brenner S, Watts-Tobin RJ (1961). General nature of the genetic code for proteins. Nature 192:1227-1232.
  2. Brenner S, Barnett L, Katz ER, Crick FHC (1967). UGA: A third nonsense triplet in the genetic code. Nature 213: 449-450.
  3. Crick FHC (1962). The genetic code. Sci Amer 207:66-77 (October, 1962).
  4. Benzer S (1962). The fine structure of the gene. Sci Am 206:70-84 (January, 1962).
  5. Brenner S, Barnett L, Crick FHC, Orgel A (1961). The theory of mutagenesis. J Mol Biol 3:121-124.
  6. Brenner S, Benzer S, Barnett L (1958). Distribution of proflavin-induced mutations in the genetic fine structure. Nature 182:983-985.
  7. Benzer S (1959). On the topology of the genetic fine structure. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 45:1607-1620.
  8. Benzer S (1955). Fine structure of a genetic region in bacteriophage. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 41:344-354.
  9. Benzer S (1961). On the topography of the genetic fine structure. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 47:403-415.
  10. Shinedling S, Singer BS, Gayle M, Pribnow D, Jarvis E, Edgar B, Gold L (1987). Sequences and studies of bacteriophage T4 rII mutants. J Mol Biol 195:471-480.