BNFO 491 
Molecular Biology Through Discovery
Crick et al (1961) simulation - Documentation
Description of the MUTAGENIZE function
Fall 2012 

This function (see A) enables you to mutegenize a derivative of bacteriophage T4 (or the phage itself) with acridine yellow. The mutagenized phage may be used to infect either E. coli B or K12. You'll want to use this function to generate suppressor mutations of T4 strain FC0, for example.

The number box should contain the number of phage to be mutagenized. How to choose that number is discussed later.

To select the phage strain to be mutagenized, click the strain entry box (the box will turn white and become highlighted with red dots; see B), and select a strain from the VARIABLES menu (the strains you see may differ from those in the figure shown at the right).

To select the E.coli strain to be infected, mouse over the green arrow Option icon, select either strain, and then click Apply (see C).

When both boxes have been filled in and an E.coli strain has been selected, then execute the function by double clicking MUTAGENIZE

If no plaques are produced by the infection, you'll see a message at the bottom of the screen (see D). Otherwise a popup window will appear listing the phenotypes of all the plaques (see E).

Screenshot A
Screenshot B MUTAGENIZE strain selection
Screenshot C

Screenshot D           and           Screenshot E
MUTAGENIZE no output   MUTAGENIZE output