The number of questionnaires returned each class continues to be small. Attendance has dwindled. Few people have completed what I believe may be the most important assignment of the course thus far -- the gene annotation.
One interpretation is that the material of the course is so straightforward that you're confident you've already mastered it. My perception is that this is not true (or if true, then your confidence is misplaced).
Another is that the material is of insufficient interest to warrent your attention.
A third is that you are suffering from sensory overload and are locking down.
Whatever the case, I feel the need to hear your thoughts on your progress in the course and what direction we should take. To help focus your thoughts, I've updated the calendar, with completed September and nearly completed October, including a description of the second exam.
A. Please consider the following questions and then tell me your thoughts on the direction of this course:
- Do you understand the goals of the course? Are they important to you?
- Most people are way behind the schedule of activities for this course. What should be done about that?
- What would make the class useful to you, sufficiently that it would be worth your time?
- What other thoughts do you have concerning the direction of the course and your progress within it?
B. Are you interested in time to meet with the TA, either individually or as part of a group? Are you available during the two scheduled TA sesssions (Tue 5:30-6:30pm; Thu 5:15-6:15pm)? If not, then what would be better times for you?