A. How far have you gotten in the companion to Benzer (1959)?
B. Have you tried out the analysis tool? If so, was it helpful? Did you find any obstacle in using it?
Have you been able to transform go from Fig. 4 into Fig. 5?
Consider how comfortable you are with the following topics (as defined by the companion to Sanger and Tuppy):
C. Why determining the structure of genes was an topic that had to be addressed
D. How Benzer's discovery that an rII mutant of T4 could not plate on E.coli K12 opened the possibility of determining the internal structure of a gene
E. What is meant by the topology of a gene
F. What is meant by recombination and how it relates to distance between genetic markers
G. Why some mutants are able to recombine to produce viable progeny on K12 and others cannot
H. What is dictionary order and how it relates to a genetic map
I. What the recombination matrix, Fig. 4, represents
J. How the recombination matrix relates to the genetic map shown in Fig. 5
K. How this analysis relates to the topology of the rII gene
Choose up to six study questions that you would most like discussed in class:
SQ10 SQ11 SQ12 SQ13
SQ14 SQ15 SQ16 SQ17
SQ19 SQ20
SQ21 SQ22 SQ23 SQ24 SQ25