BNFO 301
Introduction to Bioinformatics
Questionnaire on: Defining Genomics and Loops
(please press SUBMIT button when finished)
Spring 2005

I. Basic Information

A. Your name 
II. General questions on mechanics
A. Do you have a copy of Discovering Genomics...?

B. Do you feel comfortable navigating through the web sites as directed in Discovering Genomics...?

 C. Do you feel comfortable with the mechanics of following the Guided Tour (What is a gene?

D. Do you feel comfortable with the mechanics of going through the notes on Mapping and Loops? By this I mean, for example, cutting and pasting examples into BioLingua. 

Comments for II. Mechanics
IV. Devining Genomics
A. How comfortable are you reading a sequencing gel? 

B. How comfortable are you doing a Blast search? 

C. How comfortable are you reading a sequence chromatogram? 

D. How comfortable are you with your knowledge of E-values? 

E. How comfortable are you with your interpretting the basic information in a GenBank entry? 

F. How comfortable are you with aligning two sequences and making sense out of the results? 

G. How comfortable are you with doing a Kyte-Doolittle analysis and interpretting the results? 

D. Choose up to two study questions that you would most like discussed in class:

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Comments for IV
Defining Genomics
V. Mapping and Loops
A. How comfortable are you with the basic use of mapping (to the degree that you used it in the Guided Tour)? 

B. Are you able to understand the basic idea of most of the programming examples ( I don't mean how they work but rather more or less what they're trying to do)? 

C. Do you see how the first loop example (finding an average molecular weight) does the same thing as the code in the previous section on mapping? 

D. How comfortable are you with the basic methods of iteration control given in the notes? 

E. How comfortable are you with notions of loop-specific and iteration-specific initialization? 

F. How comfortable are you with the basic methods of returning values from a loop (particularly COLLECT)? 
Comments regarding 
V Mapping and Loops

VI. Miscellaneous
A. Are you able to go to Wythe High School, arriving at 1:45 pm, and staying until about 3 pm? 

B. Do you have access to a car to get there? 

C. If so, how many people can you take with you? 

C. How are things going?



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