A. How far have you gotten in these notes?
Your thoughts on the following issues?
B. Have you found in the E. coli genome (e.g. using BioBIKE) the sequence given by Fuller et al (1984)?
C. Do you understand how (in principle) to go about finding k-mer frequencies in texts or sequences?
D. Are you comfortable with the discussion on how many comparisons would be required to implement an algorithm?
E. Are you comfortable interpretting the results of the COUNTS-OF-K-MERS funtion, both with and without the BOTH-STRANDS option?
F. Were you able to find computationally all instances of the given DnaA-binding site in the origin region?
G. How comfortable are you in devising (not necessarily implementeing) an algorithm to find
origins of replications in bacterial genomes?
H. Choose up to six study questions from these notes you would most like discussed in class and explain why.