BNFO 301 
Introduction to Bioinformatics
Questionnaire on: Shine and Dalgarno (1975) / Statistics
(please press SUBMIT button when finished)
(If you encounter a question you've answered in a previous questionnaire and nothing has changed, just skip over it)
Spring 2015 

I. Basic Information

A. Your name 
II. Old Business
A. Anything worth discussing about increasing your abilities in BioBIKE?

B. Any concerns about mapping, loops, or Problem Set 3?

C. Any final thoughts or concerns about Tour of Myers et al (2000)?

III. Introduction to Mendel and statistics

  1. How far have you gotten in Was Mendal Right, Part II?

  2. Any issues concerning the biology, i.e. Was Mendal Right, Part I?
  3. Are you OK with the process of making your own functions in BioBIKE?
  4. Are you OK with what a chi-squared test is really doing, to the extent that you could do such a test yourself by simulation (not merely plugging numbers into a formula)?
IV. Tour of Shine & Dalgarno (1975)
  1. How far did you get in this tour?
  2. Are you completely comfortable with the difference between transcription and translation -- not merely general definitions but at the level of DNA?
  3. Any issues regarding the process of reading a research article like this one for a specific purpose?
  4. Do you grasp the connection (in terms of specific nucleotides) between 16S rRNA sequences and the initiation of translation?
  5. Have you looked for specific sequences in real 16S rRNA (e.g. through BioBIKE)?
  6. Have you looked for specific sequences upstream from the genes of phage MS2?
  7. Have you looked for specific sequences upstream from the genes of E. coli?
  8. Any favorite study questions we should consider in class?
V. Miscellaneous
Any other comments, questions, suggestions, or concerns you may have?
