BNFO 301 
Introduction to Bioinformatics
Course at a Glance: Overview
Spring 2014 

BNFO 301: Introduction to Bioinformatics
Objectives of course Multiple:
  • Help you make progress along the long road towards becoming an independent agent, a producer of new insights and solutions
  • Help you in your primary task of determining your life's calling:
    (a) what you're good at, (b) what you love doing, and (c) what the world needs done.
  • Help you understand how bioinformatics lets us see biology in a new light and realize that you can make your own bioinformatic tools yourself
  • (See Objectives for details)
Time and Place TR 9:30-10:45 am, Oliver Hall-Education, Rm 2122
Also, special one-on-on help sessions
        Tue, Wed, Thu 6:00-8:00 pm Harris Hall, Rm 3112
Prerequisites Suggested: If you lack familiarity in either of these two areas, you might be able to cope, but you'll need to shoulder an additional burden, aided by special TA-run sessions.
At whom is the course aimed? Anyone who wants, including:
  • Bioinformatics majors
  • Those who wish to add bioinformatics to their intellectual tool box
  • Those who have their own good reasons
Instructor Jeff Elhai (ElhaiJ at VCU dot Edu)
Center for the Study of Biological Complexity
Life Sciences Building, Room 335
Teaching Assistant Keith Herbert (HerbertKB at VCU dot Edu)
Recommended Text None. Material will be posted.
Also, see many pre-existing on-line resources.
Accomodations for a disability In brief: Come and talk and we'll figure out a solution.
In not-so-brief: See VCU's Accommodations and Services.