A. If you don't have a good grounding in computer programming, this is not the class for you.
B. Mondays will be devoted to lectures, Wednesdays to problems.
C. Three unexcused absences from class will roast your coals.
D. The textbook isn't bad. I don't expect you to memorize it, but... couldn't hurt!
E. Boundaries for D, C, B, and A are 50, 65, 80, and 90, respectively, although curving may be necessary.
F. Unfortunately we were unable to get funding for a TA, but I have posted an online service that may meet your needs.
G. Each of you will teach a 30 minute session within a Chesterfield County high school biology class.
H. Sometimes the text is a bit off, but you can always count on what I say as being correct.
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