BNFO 301 |
Specific suggestions for presentation at the symposium |
Spring 2011
- Please see General suggestions for presentations for hints as to how to prepare a presentation.
- Your group will have 8 minutes (10 minutes including time for questions)
- Your audience will consist of people in your class plus people in BNFO252 Phage Lab
- You may presume that everyone has a basic familiarity with phage
- You should not presume that everyone has much familiarity with bioinformatic tools, except Blast. In particular, you should not presume any familiarity with BioBIKI.
- Your group should plan an introduction that integrates all individual projects, providing a rationale for why the individual project is part of the whole.
- The remainder of your time should be spent on highlights from individual projects.
- More important that WHAT you believe is WHY you believe it. Within the time available, give your audience an idea of how you arrived at your conclusions.
- Your primary responsibility: BE INTERESTING. Tell brief scientific stories that describe thought processes and reasons.