BNFO 301 
Introduction to Bioinformatics
Questionnaire on BioBIKE and Problem Set 2
(please press SUBMIT button when finished)

And please remember not to use double quotation marks in your responses.
They break the questionnaire program.
Spring 2011 

I. Basic Information

A. Your name 
II. BioBIKE mechanics
(No need to answer these questions again if you've done so before and your answers haven't changed)
This is the beginning of a long haul. Don't feel down if you don't yet see the end.

Consider how comfortable you are with the following issues:

A. The process of bringing functions from the pallette to the workspace?

B. The process of finding functions from the pallette?

C. The process of filling in values for function arguments (the white boxes)?

D. The process of choosing options to modify the workings of a function?

E. The notion of variables that you define

With this in mind, how could lab time best be spent to meet your needs? Also a general temperature reading: how do you feel right now about the prospect of programming?

III. Problem Set 2 (Molecular Biology Investigations)

Consider the following issues:

A. I claim that computer programming may or may not be interesting for its own sake (depends on the person), but it's certainly a powerful tool to answer questions about molecular biology. Do you see how this might be the case?

B. Are there any BioBIKE functions that arose in the problem set you still feel hazy about after trying them out on your own?

C. Do you feel comfortable about learning the language by trying things out on your own?

D. Are there any questions whose biological meaning seems obscure to you?

With this in mind, how could lab time best be spent to meet your needs?

IV. Put here any miscellaneous comments, questions, suggestions, concerns you may have
