Your responsibilities Each group is responsible as a group for the annotation of some region of either Wally or Batiatus. If one member fails to dispatch his/her duties, the rest of the group needs to pick up the slack. Every gene in the region should be annotated, using the VIEW-GENE command. Every annotation should include your reasons, placed in the Evidence box. If you find no fault with the existing annotation, including the start and stop sites, you should nonetheless indicate in the Evidence boxes for both the Main Annotation and From fields the reasons why you agree. Annotations should be completed by Monday, May 9. This questionnaire should be submitted by Friday, April 29, though it may be updated as needed. I. Basic Information A. Your name B. Your group Select Bias Lysis Lysogeny Mobility Regulation Replication C. On behalf of (all in your group who authorized you to send this in) II. Organization of annotation effort Describe below how your group has organized your annotation of a section of either Wally or Batiatus. If you have divided the section into blocks and assigned them to different people, give the assignments, including coordinates. III. Progress How far are you (in broad terms)? Do you foresee any problems in completing the annotation? Other comments? Thanks! REMEMBER TO CLICK SUBMIT! (or click RESET to start over)
Your responsibilities
I. Basic Information
A. Your name B. Your group Select Bias Lysis Lysogeny Mobility Regulation Replication C. On behalf of (all in your group who authorized you to send this in)
B. Your group Select Bias Lysis Lysogeny Mobility Regulation Replication
C. On behalf of
Describe below how your group has organized your annotation of a section of either Wally or Batiatus. If you have divided the section into blocks and assigned them to different people, give the assignments, including coordinates.
How far are you (in broad terms)? Do you foresee any problems in completing the annotation? Other comments?