BNFO 301 
Introduction to Bioinformatics
Spring 2010 
Final Questionnaire
(please press SUBMIT button when finished)

I am keenly interested in how the course worked for you and how it might work better for others next time. Future generations will thank you for the thought you expend now.

The questionnaire is anonymous (what you're looking at is not the questionnaire). However, if you're concerned that somehow I or some evil hacker in my employ will be able to track you down in some way, feel free to put off answering until after the semester is over, grades are turned in, and any power you may mistakenly believe I have over you has been broken.

Nonetheless, I would still like to know that you intend to turn it in, so...

I. Basic Information and your intentions

A. Your name 

B. Do you intend some time before May 26 to complete the questionnaire? (suggested answer "yes") 

II. The Questionnaire
Whenever you're ready, click here to reach the questionnaire


REMEMBER TO CLICK SUBMIT! (or click RESET to start over)