BNFO 301 
Introduction to Bioinformatics
Project Progress Report description
Spring 2010 

Please send to me by the end of the day (Monday, April 26), the information requested below. I am asking each individual member of the group to do this. This means four- or five-times more work for me to go through them, but this way I am assured that each person is aware of the group's organization.

There is no need for anything more than short, specific answers. You don't need to present your actual results for this report (unless you really want to). I am hoping that you will be able to dispatch this report in very little time (so you can get back to work).

Please e-mail me (either as a message or an attached document):

  1. Phage annotation
    1. How has your group chosen to divide the responsibility of annotating the specific phage given to it? Please provide specific assignments.
    2. What has been your goals and strategy in meeting your individual responsibility? How have you annotated?
    3. What have you done thus far regarding annotation?
    4. What remains to be done?
    5. What problems have you encountered, and if they have not been overcome, what specific insight or tool do you need in order to overcome them?
  2. Group focus
    1. How would you describe the focus of your group? I don't mean a single word but rather your interpretation of the task at hand.
    2. How has your group chosen to divide the responsibility of addressing the focus issue? Please provide specific assignments.
    3. What has been your goals and strategy in meeting your individual responsibility?
    4. What have you done thus far regarding accomplishing your goal?
    5. What remains to be done?
    6. What problems have you encountered, and if they have not been overcome, what specific insight or tool do you need in order to overcome them?
  3. Group presentation
    1. How has your group chosen to divide the responsibility of making a presentation for the meeting on Friday, April 30, 2:00-5:00PM, Harris Hall Room 4169?
    2. Will you be attending this meeting?
    3. What has been your goals and strategy in meeting your individual responsibility?
    4. What have you done thus far regarding accomplishing your goal?
    5. What remains to be done?
    6. What problems have you encountered, and if they have not been overcome, what specific insight or tool do you need in order to overcome them?