A. When should the third exam be held?
- I've posted the calendars for April and May, to the end of the semester.
- Note that the final symposium (at which you'll present your work on your viral sequence) is scheduled for Wednesday, May 6. We have no choice for this date.
- Note that the due date for your final report is set for Friday, May 8. This date is the last possible, given that I need to read everything by Monday.
- Note that the third exam is currently scheduled to be distributed Monday, April 27, and due Friday, May 1. We DO have a choice for these dates.
- The dates were chosen so that everyone would have one scheduled opportunity to meet with me during the week of the exam.
- They were chosen also to allow space between the exam and your final presentation.
- They were chosen also to conflict as little as possible with final exams you may have.
- Note that Wednesday, April 29 is a reading day and that the VCU final exam period begins Thursday, April 30, and ends Friday, May 8.
- Note that distributing the exam EARLIER would restrict your ability to discuss material on the exam with others and to discuss the material freely in class.
- Note that distributing the exam LATER would either reduce the number of days you could spend on the exam or increase the degree of overlap with VCU's finals period.
Given the above, when would you prefer for the exam to be distributed and when would you prefer that it be due? Other comments welcome.
B. Put here any other miscellaneous comments, questions, suggestions, concerns you may have.